Re: help w/ SphericalPlot3D
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg897] Re: [mg825] help w/ SphericalPlot3D
- From: Allan Hayes <hay%haystack at>
- Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 00:54:58 -0400
Damion Thomas Searls [mg825] help w/ SphericalPlot3D writes >I'm trying to make a spherical plot but w/ no edges drawn on the >polygons (I'm looking for a similar effect to the one from making >surface plots w/ Mesh -> False) I've tride giving the directive >EdgeForm[Thickness[0]] to the list of polygons but that only gives >me the default thickness. Is there something simple I'm missing? This and much more is provided for: In[1]:= Needs["Graphics`ParametricPlot3D`"] In[2]:= ?SphericalPlot3D SphericalPlot3D[r, {theta, thetamin, thetamax}, {phi, phimin, phimax}, (options)] plots r as a function of the angles theta and phi. SphericalPlot3D[{r, style}, ...] uses style to render each surface patch. In[3]:= SphericalPlot3D[{1,EdgeForm[]}, {t,0,Pi/2},{p,0,2Pi}]; (* will render without edges. EdgeForm[] is not given in my ?EdgeForm but it is in the book Reference Guide?*) We can give more complex directives to each patch as functions of the parameters. In[4]:= SphericalPlot3D[{1,{EdgeForm[],Hue[p]}},{t,0,Pi/2},{p,0,2Pi}, Lighting->False (*otherwise the default coloring is used*) ]; The following shows what is going on In[5]:= Short[Shallow[InputForm[%],7],5] (*you may need to increase the 5*) Out[5]//Short= Graphics3D[{{EdgeForm[], Hue[0.1653469817678838], Polygon[{<<4>>}]}, {EdgeForm[], Hue[0.1653469817678838], Polygon[{<<4>>}]}, {EdgeForm[], Hue[0.1653469817678838], Polygon[{<<4>>}]}, <<356>>, {EdgeForm[], <<1>>, Polygon[{<<4>>}]}, {EdgeForm[], Hue[0.1178383254117019], Polygon[{<<4>>}]}}, <<1>>] This facility derives from the same one in ParametricPlot3D In[6]:= ParametricPlot3D[ {x, y, x y,EdgeForm[]},{x,0,1},{y,0,1}]; In[7]:= ParametricPlot3D[ {x, y, x y, {EdgeForm[],Hue[x]}}, {x,0,1},{y,0,1}, Lighting -> False]; Allan Hayes hay at