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Re: Postscript file printing

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg686] Re: Postscript file printing
  • From: davidms at (David Sangster)
  • Date: 10 Apr 1995 03:57:58 GMT

Haldun Tihan (haldun at wrote:

: Dear Mathgroup,

: After obtaining a -Graphics- output, I have tried to use PSPrint, PSFix and
: various combinations and different values of each command but I was unable to
: get a print out through the file generated by MATH.

You didn't say what exactly you meant by "unable to get a printout".  
No printout at all? Not what you expected? etc. That aside, here is what works 
for me.  It isn't pretty, but it works:
1. Highlight the cell containing the graphic output.
2. Graph -> Convert Selected Graphic -> Convert to Postscript
3. Style-> Formatted (warning - this produces a _big_ text cell)
4. Save As Special -> Plain Text (creates a text file)
5. edit the file you just saved to include only the "PS-like" commands:
   - the beginning of the file should look like:
     %%Creator: Mathematica
     %%AspectRatio: 1
     %% Graphics
   - the end should have:
     % End of Graphics
6. Run psfix (mine is in /usr/local/math/Bin/Display/psfix) on the file:
   psfix file > file2
7. file2 is a postscript file you can print, e.g. with
   "lp -opostscript file2", or similar...

Good luck - I'm using ver 2.2 on a HP 9000/735 running HP-UX 9.01.

-David Sangster (davidms at

: Regards,

: Hal Tihan,ME.
: Design & Manufacturing Institute
: Stevens Institute of Technology
: Hoboken, NJ, 07030
: tel (201) 216-8983
: fax (201) 216-8963
: e-mail haldun at

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