Help !!!!
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg459] Help !!!!
- From: Chengri Ding <ding at>
- Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 23:28:30 -0600
Dear Mathgroup, I do some optimization practice using FindMinimum command. The Objective function is : -k + 0.004*t*(93633.3333333333 + 529.9999999999999*t + t^2) + (0.005000000000000001*(1.566333333333333*10^7*k - 93633.3333333333*k*t - 529.9999999999999*k*t^2 - 1.*k*t^3))/(0.75 + 1.*k) But I could not get the solution for it. t and k are variables. the message I got is : FindMinimum::fmlim: The minimum could not be bracketed in 30 iterations. The arguement is: FindMinimum[test3[t,k],{t,50,80},{k,2,5}] I hope someone can help me out. Very appreciate. Chengri Ding Univeristy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign