- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg411] DirectionFieldPlot[]
- From: Xah Y Lee <xyl10060 at>
- Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 21:17:30 -0800 (PST)
MathGroupers, I am taking my first Differential Equations course and encountered Direction Field Plot. I wrote a mma program to do the plot. Included below. Execute the following and you'll see the plot. --------------------------------- (*variables used*) Clear[xMin, xMax, xStep, yMin, yMax, yStep, ll, fun] Clear[gridList, slopeList, destList, GP1, g1] {xMin,xMax,xStep} = {-3,3,.2}; (*specify the grid points*) {yMin,yMax,yStep} = {-3,3,.2}; ll = 1 (*ll = line length*); (* specify the slop length to be drawn*) fun = (#1^2-#2)&; (* specify the function to be ploted*) gridList = N@Flatten[ Table[{x,y}, {x,xMin,xMax,xStep},{y,yMin,yMax,yStep}], 1]; slopeList = fun[Sequence@@#]& /@ gridList; destList = gridList + ll * ( {Cos@#,Sin@#}& /@ (ArcTan /@ slopeList) ); GP1 = N @ Line /@ Transpose[{gridList, destList}]; g1 = Graphics[{Hue[0.00], GP1 }, Axes->True, AspectRatio->Automatic]; Show[ g1 ] (*GP stand for GraphicPrimitive. g1 is an graphic object that can be used with Show[]*) --------------------------------- I am going to modify this into a package that contain a function DirectionFieldPlot[] that can be used as easily as Plot, with online documentations. I may upload this to MathSource sometimes in the future. I wrote another program that do Trochoid animations. MathSource item number: 0207-234. Xah Lee xyl10060 at 74631.731 at A stud at Foothill College. Mountain View, CA Quote of the day: Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?