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Re: I'm looking for an algorithm: Cartesian Product

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1676] Re: [mg1644] I'm looking for an algorithm: Cartesian Product
  • From: Lou Talman <me at>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 06:07:21 -0400

H. Skaf wants to compute Cartesian products.

The Outer operator finds Cartesian products  fairly well.  The main
problem is cleaning  up the extraneous {} pairs:

  CleanUp[X_List] := Flatten[X, Depth[X] - 3];

  f[List1_List, Lists__List] := 
              CleanUp[Outer[List, List1, Lists]];

  l1 = {a1, a2};
  l2 = {b1, b2, b3};
  l3 = {c1, c2, c3, c4};
  l4 = {d1, d2};

  f[l1, l2]

  {{a1, b1}, {a1, b2}, {a1, b3}, {a2, b1}, {a2, b2}, {a2, b3}}

  f[l1, l2, l3]

  {{a1, b1, c1}, {a1, b1, c2}, {a1, b1, c3}, {a1, b1, c4}, 
  {a1, b2, c1}, {a1, b2, c2}, {a1, b2, c3}, {a1, b2, c4}, 
  {a1, b3, c1}, {a1, b3, c2}, {a1, b3, c3}, {a1, b3, c4}, 
  {a2, b1, c1}, {a2, b1, c2}, {a2, b1, c3}, {a2, b1, c4}, 
  {a2, b2, c1}, {a2, b2, c2}, {a2, b2, c3}, {a2, b2, c4}, 
  {a2, b3, c1}, {a2, b3, c2}, {a2, b3, c3}, {a2, b3, c4}}

  f[l1, l2, l3, l4]

  {{a1, b1, c1, d1}, {a1, b1, c1, d2}, {a1, b1, c2, d1}, 
  {a1, b1, c2, d2}, {a1, b1, c3, d1}, {a1, b1, c3, d2}, 
  {a1, b1, c4, d1}, {a1, b1, c4, d2}, {a1, b2, c1, d1}, 
  {a1, b2, c1, d2}, {a1, b2, c2, d1}, {a1, b2, c2, d2}, 
  {a1, b2, c3, d1}, {a1, b2, c3, d2}, {a1, b2, c4, d1}, 
  {a1, b2, c4, d2}, {a1, b3, c1, d1}, {a1, b3, c1, d2}, 
  {a1, b3, c2, d1}, {a1, b3, c2, d2}, {a1, b3, c3, d1}, 
  {a1, b3, c3, d2}, {a1, b3, c4, d1}, {a1, b3, c4, d2}, 
  {a2, b1, c1, d1}, {a2, b1, c1, d2}, {a2, b1, c2, d1}, 
  {a2, b1, c2, d2}, {a2, b1, c3, d1}, {a2, b1, c3, d2}, 
  {a2, b1, c4, d1}, {a2, b1, c4, d2}, {a2, b2, c1, d1}, 
  {a2, b2, c1, d2}, {a2, b2, c2, d1}, {a2, b2, c2, d2}, 
  {a2, b2, c3, d1}, {a2, b2, c3, d2}, {a2, b2, c4, d1}, 
  {a2, b2, c4, d2}, {a2, b3, c1, d1}, {a2, b3, c1, d2}, 
  {a2, b3, c2, d1}, {a2, b3, c2, d2}, {a2, b3, c3, d1}, 
  {a2, b3, c3, d2}, {a2, b3, c4, d1}, {a2, b3, c4, d2}}

--Lou Talman
  Metropolitan State College of Denver

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