MathGroup Archive 1995

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Reducing Table Run Time

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1706] Reducing Table Run Time
  • From: jt12799 at (Jehan Tsai)
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 00:13:23 -0400
  • Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana

I've got a question about the following bit of code:

eq2=Exp[-I k x^2/(2 f)];

Whenever i run this for a value of N necessary to generate a table of
2000+ values, the line to generate table f1 seems to take up a good 80-90% of
the running time, which I understand is due to the evaluation of the function.
My question involves whether or not there is a way to reduce the running
time, or is this something we have to live with?  For 2048 samples, I clocked
it at approximately 44s, with most of it taken up by the table.  Thanks in

J.T. Tsai

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