Re: Re: how can I do this functionally?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg1045] Re: [mg966] Re: how can I do this functionally?
- From: Allan Hayes <hay at>
- Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 08:15:36 -0400
Roman Maeder <maeder at> in [mg966] Re: how can I do this functionally? Gave an efficiency analysis of some solutions of David Cabana's <drc at> problem given in mg[913]. I give some faster coded and some general rules that the changes made seem to suggest. (*1*) Try various styles. (*2*) Consider using Thread instead of Transpose for threading (also look at MapThread). In Dave Wagner's code Classify2[s_, f_] := With[{fs = f /@ s}, Cases[Transpose[{s, fs}], {x_,#}->x]& /@ Union[fs] ] Transpose is used once for every member of Union[fs]. The following code avoids this and is faster on the given tests (timings are given later). Of course the problem of repeated use of Cases remains. Classify2A[s_, f_] := Module[{fs,gr,c}, fs = f/@s; gr = Thread[{s,fs}]; (*2*) c[y_] := Cases[gr, {x_,y}:> x]; c/@Union[fs] ] I have got so used to looking fror integrated funcional and list processing code that this came as something of a surprise. (*3*) Operate on whole structures. Roman Maeder's final code is Classify[s_, f_] := Module[{ran, dom, pairs, steps}, {ran, dom} = Transpose[Sort[ {f[#], #}& /@ s ]]; pairs = Partition[ran, 2, 1]; steps = Flatten[Position[pairs, {e1_, e2_}/; e1 =!= e2, 1]]; Take[dom, #]& /@ Transpose[ {Prepend[steps, 0] + 1, Append[steps,Length[s]]} ] ] Some modifications using the rules (*2*) and (*3*) give slightly faster code. ClassifyA[s_,f_] := Module[{ran,dom,pairs,steps}, {ran,dom}= Thread[Sort[Thread[{f/@s, s}]]]; (*2*) pairs = Partition[ran, 2, 1]; steps = Flatten[Position[Apply[SameQ,pairs,1],False,1]];(*3*) Take[dom,#]&/@ Thread[{Prepend[steps+1,1],Append[steps,Length[s]]}] (*2*) ]; TIMINGS Using Roman's test setup testdata := Range[size]; makeK[k_] := Mod[#, k]& test[method_] := Timing[method[testdata, #]][[1]]& /@ makeK /@nclasses /. Second -> 1 allMethods = {Classify2,Classify2A, Classify,ClassifyA}; I get (on a NeXT Turbo) size = 200; nclasses = Round[{1, size/4, size/2, 3size/4, size}]; test /@ allMethods // MatrixForm[#, TableHeadings -> {allMethods, nclasses}]& 1 50 100 150 200 Classify2 0.0833333 1.36667 2.7 4.03333 5.3 Classify2A 0.0833333 0.733333 1.31667 1.91667 2.56667 Classify 0.183333 0.216667 0.266667 0.283333 0.333333 ClassifyA 0.166667 0.2 0.166667 0.2 0.266667 And for lists of length 5000 size = 5000; nclasses = Round[{1,size/1000, size/500,size/100, size/50, size}]; test /@ allMethods[[{3,4}]] // MatrixForm[#, TableHeadings -> {allMethods[[{3,4}]], nclasses}]& 1 5 10 50 100 5000 Classify 3.58333 4.56667 4.63333 4.38333 4.56667 8.13333 ClassifyA 2.23333 3.13333 3.15 3.01667 3.16667 6.3 Allan Hayes hay at