Re: [mg 1129] Find the center!
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg1170] Re: [mg1120] [mg 1129] Find the center!
- From: Allan Hayes <hay at>
- Date: Sat, 20 May 1995 03:33:27 -0400
Gottfried Mayer-Kress <gmk at> wrote in [mg1120] Find the center! > There are a bunch of points in 3-space and they are supposed to be > scattered around the surface of a sphere. You want to find the > center of the sphere and the radius. Jorma Virtamo ([mg 1129]) gave a function for doing this. In[1]:= (*Virtamo*) center[pts_] := Module[ {R,r=Plus@@pts/Length[pts]}, { R = Inverse[ Plus@@(Outer[Times,#-r,#-r]& /@ pts) ]. Plus@@(#.#(#-r)& /@ pts)/2, Sqrt[Plus@@((#-R).(#-R)& /@ pts)/Length[pts]] } ] We can use Fit and the standard equation for a circle to get a different function. In[2]:= CenterRad[pts_]:= Block[{data, f,g,h,c}, data = {Sequence@@#,#.#}&/@pts; {c,f,g,h} = List@@Fit[data, {1,x,y,z}, {x,y,z}]/{1,2x,2y,2z}; {{f,g,h}, Sqrt[f^2+g^2+h^2 +c]} ] This is faster than Virtamo's function on the test that he uses TEST First generate some points, roughly on a sphers center {1,2,3}, radius 1. In[3]:= rndnrm[x_] := (.98+.04Random[])x/Sqrt[x.x] In[4]:= points = ({1,2,3}+#)& /@ rndnrm /@ Table[Random[]-.5,{10},{3}]; Now try to find the center and radius In[5]:= CenterRad[points] Do[CenterRad[points],{10}]//Timing//First Out[5]= {{0.995855, 1.98329, 3.00476}, 1.00521} Out[6]= 0.55 Second In[7]:= center[points] Do[center[points],{10}]//Timing//First Out[7]= {{0.995855, 1.98329, 3.00476}, 1.00521} Out[8]= 1.46667 Second Allan Hayes hay at