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Rotating animations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2559] Rotating animations
  • From: rustybel at (Russell Towle)
  • Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 01:15:05 -0500

I have constructed hundreds of animations using Mathematica 2.2 on a Mac
platform with 68 megabytes of RAM.  I can assure of this:

1.  The built-in function SpinShow yields erratic results, generating
points-of-view too close to the 3D object(s), and handles the optional
Euler angles in a strange way.

2.  The option, SphericalRegion->True, as cited by those whose replies have
been posted, is not a guarantee that one will construct animations which do
not "wobble" or change size, although the image area does remain uniform,
or nearly so.

3.  Although the other loop structures like Table may be used, I find Do
loops more intuitively obvious.  The functions  RotateShape and
TranslateShape, hidden within Graphics Shapes, are very useful tools for
both static drawings and animations.  The only way I have ever been able to
ensure that both the 3D object(s) and their viewing area remain absolutely
stable is to use PlotRange as an option of Show, inside a Do loop.  The
iterator can be used to govern rotation and translation, within Show.  This
approach will smoothly represent the apparent change in size of 3D objects
as they move closer and farther away from a fixed ViewPoint, but it will
absolutely prevent their unwanted, spurious changes in size, which results
even when SphericalRegion->True is invoked.

I realize that my previous comment was rather long.  So is this one.  But,
since I find Mathematica to be a rather wonderful program, and especially
enjoy the animation capabilities of Mathematica, I am sorry to find that
users are having problems with constructing animations.

Russell Towle
Box 141
Dutch Flat, CA 95714

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