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More windowed mathematica shell?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2391] More windowed mathematica shell?
  • From: bm0042 at (Bruce Miller)
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 23:23:51 -0500
  • Organization: Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa

   I'm looking for a shell or more windowed version of mathematica that
would allow one to select functions or type in equations and commands
using a menu driven interface rather than having to type in all of the
brackets and curly brackets currently required.  For example, when I
plot a function, I would like to be able to type in a function, then
select plot from a menu and have a box appear that would ask me what
variable to use as the dependent variable and what the lower and high
limits are.

   Please don't insult me - this is for someone who uses a mac.  I
personally understand computers and know how to use them.  I would like
to know of a type of add on or shell script program that would do what I
described for MS-Windows, XWindows, and Macintosh.  

	Thanks a lot in advance!  Response by email rather than follow
up post would be appreciated! 

Bruce Miller
Freshman student of physics and computer science
Research Assistant Dr. Steven Faux, Professor of Physiopsychology
Drake University
GS/CS  d++(-d+) H s--:-- g+++(?) p3 au- a-- w-- v-(?) C++ U++ P+ L+ 3 E 
N+ K- W++ M-- V-- -po+ Y+ t+ 5 j R G'''' tv-- b++ D++ B++ e+ u+(**) h- f? 
r-- n+ !y
-----END BLOCK-----

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