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Re: Help on use of Packages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2223] Re: [mg2175] Help on use of Packages
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 02:34:03 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.

In article <DGDI6y.F9s at>, "Once again, its fishing season!"
<DUGGAN at> wrote:

> Hello,
> The solution to this problem is to load the package 
>         LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation
> If you are going to be doing a great deal of Matrix Manipulations you would
> want to issue the command
>         Needs["LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation`"]--- mathematica's PC command
> or
>         <<LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation      --- mathematica's Ultrix

The commands



should both work on all versions of Mathematica. (Note the
closing back-quote in the Get command). There is nothing 
platform specific about these commands. In fact the context 
separator (back-quote) mechanism specifically allows the 
same command to access packages that might have different
names on different platforms (for example the shorter
names required by the DOS/Windowes file system).

The difference between these two commands is that Needs
checks to see if the package in question has been loaded
already, in which case it does not load it again. Get will
always read in the specified package even if it has 
already been loaded in the current Mathematica session.

In general I would recommend using Needs rather than 
Get to load Standard Mathematica Packages for this reason.

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Technical Sales Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217)-398-0700     fax:(217)-398-0747      ianc at
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