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ISSAC'96 First Announcement and Call for Papers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2300] ISSAC'96 First Announcement and Call for Papers
  • From: bronstei at (Manuel Bronstein)
  • Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 12:42:16 -0400
  • Organization: Dept. Informatik, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

[A postscript copy of this announcement is available by anonymous ftp from

 Also check the ISSAC'96 homepage for latest info (URL below)

                    *** Please post and circulate ***                     ]


                              I S S A C  ' 9 6

         International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation

                     July 24-26, 1996 Zurich, Switzerland

                    Sponsored by ACM SIGSAM and ACM SIGNUM

ISSAC is an annual international symposium that provides an opportunity to
learn of new developments and to present original research results in all
areas of symbolic mathematical computation.

TOPICS OF THE MEETING include, but are not limited to:

Algorithmic mathematics: algebraic, symbolic, and symbolic-numeric algorithms
                         in all areas of mathematics;

Computer science: theoretical and practical questions in symbolic mathematical
                  computation, including:
                  - computer algebra systems and problem solving environments,
                  - programming languages and libraries for symbolic computation
                  - user interfaces,
                  - data structures,
                  - parallel computing,
                  - software architectures,
                  - concrete analysis and benchmarking,
                  - complexity of computer algebra algorithms,
                  - artificial intelligence techniques,
                  - automatic differentiation and code generation;

Applications: problem treatments incorporating algebraic, symbolic or
              symbolic-numeric computation in an essential or novel way,
              including engineering, economics and finance, physical and
              biological sciences, computer science, logic, mathematics,
              statistics, and use in education.

ISSAC'96 will be held in the main building of the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. Accomodations will be available
at nearby hotels. The planned activities include invited presentations,
original research papers, tutorial courses, vendor exhibits and software
demonstrations. Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium.

Proposals for workshops, tutorial courses, demonstrations, panel discussions
or related activities are welcomed.  User-groups, editorial boards
or other associations desiring meeting space during the course of the
symposium are encouraged to contact the conference organizers.
General Chair:                            Program Chair:
  Erwin Engeler                                  Bob Caviness
  Mathematics                                    Computer & Information Sciences
  ETH Zentrum HG                                 103 Smith Hall
  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland                    University of Delaware
  issac96 at                           Newark DE 19716, USA
                                                 issac96 at

Exhibit Chair:                            Local Arrangements Chair:
  Max Engeli                                         Michael Kalkbrener
  Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing       Mathematics
  ETH Zentrum CLA                                    ETH Zentrum HG
  CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland                        CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
  engeli at                            mkalk at

Program Committee:
  John Cannon (AU - Vice Chair)         Bob Caviness (USA - Chair)
  Marie-Francoise Coste-Roy (F)         Keith Geddes (CND)
  Patrizia Gianni (I)                   Richard Liska (CZ)
  Austin Lobo (USA)                     Bud Mishra (USA)
  Marko Petkovsek (SLO)                 Felix Ulmer (F)

                          INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS

                              I S S A C  ' 9 6


ISSAC'96 is foremost a conference for new and topical ideas of significance
to the community and which deserve to be disseminated rapidly. Research
results and insightful analyses of current concerns are the primary focus.
Papers will be reviewed by a program committee and additional referees.

Survey articles may be suitable for submission, if clearly identified as such,
and will be considered in a separate category from the research papers.
  *Simultaneous submission for publication elsewhere is not allowed.*

Papers may be submitted either electronically or by mail. In either case,
papers must be received no later than Monday January 8, 1996.
Please state the contact author's name, address and telephone number, as well
as fax and e-mail if available. The authors may submit additional background
reference material that is not widely available.

Authors should aim for papers not exceeding 8 pages in the standard format
for ACM proceedings. This corresponds roughly to 20-24 pages of text in
LaTeX 12pt article style. All papers must be written in English.

Electronic submission must be either as a LaTeX file (preferred) or as a
PostScript file. Papers can be sent by any of the following means:

- by e-mail with less than 80 characters per line to the Internet address
                           issac96 at
  This option requires Postscript files to be uuencoded;

- by anonymous ftp to []   uploading the
  submission in the directory   /pub/conferences/issac96/incoming
  Also send email to       issac96 at    with a notice of submission;

- by regular mail addressed to the Program Committee Chair; Papers submitted
  in this way should be preferably in the ACM proceedings format or else in
  12 point font, and six copies of the submission, together with fifteen
  copies of a one-page abstract, should be enclosed. Authors whose access to
  reproduction facilities is severely limited may submit a single copy of
  their paper.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by March 11, 1996.
Camera-ready copies of the final papers must be received by April 12, 1996.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the symposium
and will be required to sign the ACM copyright agreement. Some papers may be
accepted for poster-session presentation; these will not appear in the

Further information on the symposium and the LaTeX style for the proceedings
are available by the following means:

- on World Wide Web at the URL

- by e-mail, by sending mail to     issac96 at   with    info    as
  a subject line;

- by regular mail, by sending a request to one of the organizers.


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