Numerical Integration
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg1982] Numerical Integration
- From: Marcelo de Almeida Bueno - pos <bueno at>
- Date: Mon, 4 Sep 1995 22:22:09 -0400
Hi, I would like to receive some hints (and tricks) about numerical integration with Mathematica. I don't know if the internal routines used by mathematica to resolve numerical integrations are poor (mainly, in dealing with singularities), or if I am not being able to use all Mathematica capabilities on this subject. Before I state my problem, let me show one (of many) strange result I have obtained:: In[1]:= Integrate[Cos[x1-x2]^2 Sqrt[Sin[x1-x2]^2],{x1,0,Pi},{x2,0,Pi}] Out[1]:= 0 In[2]:= NIntegrate[Cos[x1-x2]^2 Sqrt[Sin[x1-x2]^2],{x1,0,Pi},{x2,0,Pi}] Out[2]:= 2.09439 Take a look at Plot3D[Cos[x1-x2]^2 Sqrt[Sin[x1-x2]^2],{x1,0,Pi},{x2,0,Pi}], and you will see that the result in Out[1] is absurd! Another problem is the time to evaluate my integrals. I am using a DX4-100 Mhz with 40 M RAM (Mathematica 2.2.3 for Windows). Consider the following function: Out[3]:= 2 2 2 (Sin[x1] (Sqrt[2 R + w - 2 R Cos[x1 - x2]] - 2 x1 - x2 2 2 2 Sqrt[R Sin[-------] ])) / R 2 and the following action, In[4]:= R=1; w=.001; NIntegrate[%3,{x1,Pi/4,3 Pi/4},{x2,Pi/4,3 Pi/4},WorkingPrecision->17] NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, oscillatory integrand, or insufficient WorkingPrecision. NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, oscillatory integrand, or insufficient WorkingPrecision. NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, oscillatory integrand, or insufficient WorkingPrecision. General::stop: Further output of NIntegrate::slwcon will be suppressed during this calculation. NIntegrate::ncvb: NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 13 recursive bisections in x1 near {x1, x2} = {1.5707, 1.5707}. Out[4]:= 0.00001076 After 34,684 s!!! Ok! The answer now is correct, but with RIWIAD (CERN) on the same machine I obtained the same answer in few minutes!!! Another example. Consider the function bellow: Out[5]:= -(R (5 Sin[x1] - 3 Sin[x1 - 2 x2] - 3 Sin[2 x1 - x2] - 5 Sin[x2])) ------------------------------------------------------------------ + 2 x1 - x2 2 8 Sqrt[R Sin[-------] ] 2 2 2 2 (R + w - 3 R Cos[x1 - x2]) (Sin[x1] - Sin[x2]) ------------------------------------------------- - 2 2 2 2 R Sqrt[2 R + w - 2 R Cos[x1 - x2]] 2 2 2 (R + w - 3 R Cos[x1 - x2]) (-Sin[x1] + Sin[x2]) -------------------------------------------------- + 2 2 2 2 R Sqrt[2 R + w - 2 R Cos[x1 - x2]] R (-5 Sin[x1] + 3 Sin[x1 - 2 x2] + 3 Sin[2 x1 - x2] + 5 Sin[x2]) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 x1 - x2 2 8 Sqrt[R Sin[-------] ] 2 and, In[6]:= R=1; w=.001; NIntegrate[%5,{x1,Pi/4,3 Pi/4},{x2,3 Pi/4,3 Pi/2}] 1 Power::infy: Infinite expression -------------- encountered. -90 Sqrt[0. 10 ] Infinity::indet: -57 -(0. 10 1 ComplexInfinity) Indeterminate expression ----------------------------- encountered. 8 1 Power::infy: Infinite expression -------------- encountered. -90 Sqrt[0. 10 ] Infinity::indet: -57 0. 10 1 ComplexInfinity Indeterminate expression -------------------------- encountered. 8 1 Power::infy: Infinite expression -------------- encountered. -90 Sqrt[0. 10 ] General::stop: Further output of Power::infy will be suppressed during this calculation. Infinity::indet: -57 -(0. 10 1 ComplexInfinity) Indeterminate expression ----------------------------- encountered. 8 General::stop: Further output of Infinity::indet will be suppressed during this calculation. NIntegrate::rnderr: Inexact arithmetic has caused {x1, x2} to take the value {2.35619, 2.35619} where the integrand is singular. Out[6]:= Pi 3 Pi 3 Pi 3 Pi NIntegrate[Out[5], {x1, --, ----}, {x2, ----, ----}] 4 4 4 2 And RIWIAD resolved it! Thanks in advance, _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ | Department of Cosmic Rays and Chronology _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ | Institute of Physics "Gleb Wataghin" _/ _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ | State University of Campinas, UNICAMP _/ _/ _/ _/ | 13083-970 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil _/ _/ _/ _/ | e-mail: bueno at _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ | Home Page: | Tel.: (+55) (192) 398112 or 300646 Marcelo de Almeida Bueno | FAX: (+55) (192) 393127 or 300646