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Re: Help: Professional vd student versions of Mma 2.2.3

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4686] Re: [mg4680] Help: Professional vd student versions of Mma 2.2.3
  • From: support (Tom Zeller)
  • Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 18:23:14 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>Dear Mathgroupers:
>        Can somebody help me with the difference between the student and
>the professional versions of Mma 2.2.3 for windows. Some people say they
>are EXACTLY the same, others say that the student version doesn't have
>the same capabilities as the professional one.

Here is what I send to those who write to Student Support with your question.
Please note that this written with the current shipping versions in mind.
The relationship between the student and professional versions may change with
the introduction of 3.0 (and no, I do not have any info on that).

There are no differences in functionality between the student version of
Mathematica and the professional version of Mathematica. Any Mathematica
program written for the student version of Mathematica will run on the
professional versions and vice versa.

The differences that do exist are as follows:

Windows Version 2.2.4

-The registration/password scheme is different for the versions.
 The student version comes with a temporary 30 day license.  A "permanent"
 registration key is issued upon registration and prove of student status.
 As in the Professional versions, some changes to hardware and system
 software can necessitate the issuing of a new registration key.

Macintosh Student Versions

-Owners of the student Macintosh version do not receive the terminal tools
 required to connect the Macintosh front end to a remote kernel on a Unix
 machine; note that this capability still exists in the student version, but
 you must supply your own terminal tools to do this.

-The Macintosh Student Version  will run on PowerMac machine, it is not
 PowerMac native

All Student Versions.

-The documentation kit shipped with the student version is different than
 that which comes with the professional version. The books in the package
 have been rewritten. Additionally, some documentation is not included at
 all--most notably the Guide to Standard Mathematica Packages and the
 MathLink Reference Guide.

-Student version owners are not eligible for the Mathematica Plus automatic
 upgrade program, although they are eligible for upgrades if they specifically
 request them from Wolfram Research and pay for them at the upgrade price.

-Student owners can only receive technical support for Mathematica kernel and
 programming issues by e-mailing student-support at Students may request
 technical support for installation problems, problems getting Mathematica to
 run after installation, or bug reports, through ordinary channels.

-Student version owners do not receive the MathLink Developer's Kit. The
 Macintosh student version, however, can still run MathLink programs, and
 work is in progress on a Windows student version which will run MathLink
 programs. No DOS versions are available which have MathLink.  Student version
 owners can receive the MathLink Developer's kit at no cost, however there is
 no MathLink Development support available


>        Another questions is about running Mma under windows 95. After
>installing Mma 2.2.3, and upon the first run, it says that I have to
>choose a protocol. I do so and start an evaluation. It starts and runs
>for ever!, even to calculate 1+1. Moreover, I cannot interrupt it. Can
>somebody help me with that please?
>All my thanks in advance.


Take a look at MathSource item # 0207-841 (go to the Wolfram home page,, follow the link to MathSource, search for 0207-841).

Tom Zeller
Wolfram Research Technical Support


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