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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4721] question
  • From: Harry Stein <hstein at>
  • Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 03:57:39 -0400
  • Organization: ASSET InterTech Inc.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I need help with the following question, please.

I have P people and C clubs.

There are as many or more people as there are clubs
(P >= C).

Each person belongs to ONE or TWO clubs.

Every club has at least one member (person).

Given these assumptions, how can I generalize the
unique number of combinations for different values
of P, C.

Realistically, my application deals with P in the range
1-128 and C in the range 1-32.  I am trying to determine
if this is an intractable problem for solving with a
computer (I do a few simple calculations for each
each combination) but don't have a feel for the number
of combinations.

If it is tractable, I am also looking for an algorithm
(C, C++, Pascal, Basic, Fortran, etc.) that generates
the combinations in some form of an array for the P
people, showing the one or two clubs they are a member
of for that combination.

As I am not part of this group, please send me replys



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