Re: Solving non-linear equations
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5514] Re: Solving non-linear equations
- From: danl (Daniel Lichtblau)
- Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 19:26:10 -0500
- Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <58at18$o1v at> elisha at (Luci Ellis) writes: > Hello Mathgroup. > > One of my colleagues and I are trying to solve out first-order conditions > from an optimisation problem. I had written a neat little function that > does all the necessary transformations. We can get the first order > conditions really easily, but they seems to eat up so much RAM that it just > refuses to solve -- instead the kernel quits. > > Here is a simplified version of the problem. Even it doesn't work and we > REALLY want to do a more complex version. > > It's okay if there are multiple solutions, we are expecting that. We want > to solve it out analytically to ensure that we have global minima, so > FindRoot isn't the answer. > > Anyway, we want to solve this problem > > focs = {0.0175051*a1^2*a2*a3 + 0.25669*a1*a2*a3*d1 - 193.*d2*d3 + > > 0.0175051*a1*d1*d2*d3 + 0.25669*d1^2*d2*d3 == 0, > > -193.*a2*a3 + 0.0145715*a1^2*a2*a3 + 0.0175051*a1*a2*a3*d1 + > > 0.0145715*a1*d1*d2*d3 + 0.0175051*d1^2*d2*d3 == 0, > > -0.26055*a1*a2^2*a3 + 0.0145715*a1*a2*a3*d2 - 193.*d1*d3 - > > 0.26055*a2*d1*d2*d3 + 0.0145715*d1*d2^2*d3 == 0, > > -193.*a1*a3 + 33.6978*a1*a2^2*a3 - 0.26055*a1*a2*a3*d2 + > > 33.6978*a2*d1*d2*d3 - 0.26055*d1*d2^2*d3 == 0, > > -193.*a1*a2 + 0.25669*a1*a2*a3^2 - 0.42074*a1*a2*a3*d3 + > > 0.25669*a3*d1*d2*d3 - 0.42074*d1*d2*d3^2 == 0, > > -0.42074*a1*a2*a3^2 - 193.*d1*d2 + 33.6978*a1*a2*a3*d3 - > > 0.42074*a3*d1*d2*d3 + 33.6978*d1*d2*d3^2 == 0} > > with respect to the algebraic objects: vars = {d1, a1, d2, a2, a3, d3} > > And thus get replacement rules {d1 -> some real number, d2 -> another real > number... and so on. > > Does anyone know why Solve[focs,vars] eats so much RAM? > > Please email me at elisha at > > Thanks in anticipation. > > Luci Ellis > > The code below finds many approximate solutions. I'll indicate some of the wheres and whyfores along the way. polys = {0.0175051*a1^2*a2*a3 + 0.25669*a1*a2*a3*d1 - 193.*d2*d3 + 0.0175051*a1*d1*d2*d3 + 0.25669*d1^2*d2*d3, -193.*a2*a3 + 0.0145715*a1^2*a2*a3 + 0.0175051*a1*a2*a3*d1 + 0.0145715*a1*d1*d2*d3 + 0.0175051*d1^2*d2*d3, -0.26055*a1*a2^2*a3 + 0.0145715*a1*a2*a3*d2 - 193.*d1*d3 - 0.26055*a2*d1*d2*d3 + 0.0145715*d1*d2^2*d3, -193.*a1*a3 + 33.6978*a1*a2^2*a3 - 0.26055*a1*a2*a3*d2 + 33.6978*a2*d1*d2*d3 - 0.26055*d1*d2^2*d3, -193.*a1*a2 + 0.25669*a1*a2*a3^2 - 0.42074*a1*a2*a3*d3 + 0.25669*a3*d1*d2*d3 - 0.42074*d1*d2*d3^2, -0.42074*a1*a2*a3^2 - 193.*d1*d2 + 33.6978*a1*a2*a3*d3 - 0.42074*a3*d1*d2*d3 + 33.6978*d1*d2*d3^2}; vars = {d1,a1,d2,a2,a3,d3}; First we want to manipulate the polynomials algebraically. It will help to have exact coefficients. We can use NSolve later to return to approximate root-finding technology, when we want it. rpolys = Rationalize[polys, 0]; If we factor them (to break it into smaller subproblems) we find that they are irreducible. So we go to the next step, and form a Groebner basis (this will require version 3.0, I think; I doubt previous versions will complete the task). It turns out that this will now contain polynomials that factor. gb = GroebnerBasis[rpolys, vars]; Now we will factor and remove multiplicity; that is, factors of the form factor^e will be transformed simply to factor. This will not alter the solution set, though it changes the multiplicity. expr2 = Map[FactorList, gb]; expr3 = Map[#[[1]]&, expr2, {2}]; expr4 = expr3 /. List[coef_?NumberQ, x___] -> List[x]; If you print out the list, you find that many factors are singletons, that is, things like a2 or d3. We remove these. This may have the effect of destroying solutions, but it is necessary because if we try to call Solve with this processed input as is, it will run out of space attempting to do LogicalExpand. One can later try to find solutions that involve, say, a2==0, just by making that substitution and working with the reduced system. I do not do this below. LogicalExpand, reform systems of equations, and finally call Solve. logexpr = Apply[And, Map[Apply[Or,#]&, expr4]]; trunclogexpr = logexpr //. Or[x___,y_Symbol,z___] -> Or[x,z]; logexpr2 = LogicalExpand[trunclogexpr]; logexpr3 = logexpr2 /. And[x___]:>Thread[List[x]==0] logexpr3 = logexpr2 /. And[x___]:>List[x] logexpr3 = logexpr2 /. And->List logexpr4 = Map[Thread[#==0]&, logexpr3] logexpr5 = logexpr4 /. List->And nsoln = NSolve[logexpr5, vars] We now have all results that were not lost from pruning. We check them all below. polys /. nsolns // Chop[#, 10^-8]& I'll now show one case where we explicitly set a variable equal to zero, and look for solutions. In[12]:= GroebnerBasis[rpolys /. a2->0, vars] // InputForm Out[12]//InputForm= {d2*d3, a1*a3, d1*d3, d1*d2} So if a2 is zero, we have solutions where three other variables are zero (to see this, just do Solve[%==0, vars]), and the remaining variables are undetermined. that is, the solution set has positive dimension for these components. Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research danl at