Can I learn 3 semesters of calculus by May
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5605] Can I learn 3 semesters of calculus by May
- From: amcorso at (AMCorso)
- Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 01:59:11 -0500
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Can I learn 3 Semesters of Calculus by May? I have recently come to realize that my thinking that placing out of my math requirement meant that I was numerate was a mistake. I need to learn 3 semesters of college level calculus by May; ( for non Americans, here in the States, the third semester is traditionally a sort of intro. differential equations course). I used to know what a Taylor series was, (if fact I still remember what one is, I just get kind a lost when I actually try to take one). As an old APL programmer I suppose I have a cobbled together knowledge of matrix algebra. And I trade exotic options, so over the course of the years I ve had to read some fairly technical papers and code up, (in APL), some tricky stuff, (Quadratic optimization, GARCH processes, etc.). And I d like to think that if I devote an hour an evening to this I d accomplish at least as much in one month as I accomplished in a semester of catching the subway up from SoHo, grabbing two hot dogs and an Orange Julius, and stumbling around Columbia from class to class. Surely there is some soft/courseware, (Mathematica perhaps?), or a series of books, or maybe some books about the courseware, that can enable me to accomplish this? Any suggestions greatly appreciated Regards Tony PS: since I m using America on Line I can t cross post to multiple news groups, but have to do this cut and paste thing to each group; that also means I can t check all groups for replies at once either. Might I ask that should you reply, to please e-mail me in addition to posting to the group. Thanks Again