How to get 2.334E+6 output form ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5617] How to get 2.334E+6 output form ?
- From: sergio at (Sergio Rojas)
- Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 23:43:44 -0500
- Organization: City College Of New York - Science
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hello folks, How can one tell to Mathematica to write 6 numbers in the form 2.3456E+6 instead of 2.3456*10^6 (or 2.3456 10 ). Also, consider the following: set1 = Table[ 0.123^(i^2), {i,1,4}]; set2 = Table[ 12.13^(i^2), {i,1,4}]; set3 = Table[ 2.13^(i^2), {i,1,4}]; ColumnForm[MapThread[List,{set1,set2,set3}]] >> file1 In[43]:= !! file1 {0.123, 12.13, 2.13} {0.000228886641, 21649.26734161001, 20.58346160999999} {6.443858614676334*10^-9, 5.685219118077726*10^9, 902.436039641232} {2.744617215013445*10^-15, 2.196710439091517*10^17, 179503.8033995351} How the data can be written to a file without the braces and comma in between? Thanks very much for any help. Sergio Rojas Email: sergio at