2.2 X front-end and kernel communications
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg5390] 2.2 X front-end and kernel communications
- From: Fergal Shevlin <fshevlin at maths.tcd.ie>
- Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 14:50:26 -0500
- Organization: Dept. of Maths, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
Hello, When the front-end and the kernel are running on the same machine but the front-end is being displayed on another through the X window system then a network problem may cause the front-end to crash while the kernel keeps going. Is there any way to attach a new front-end to a running kernel? This problem arose today and it was annoying to have to kill the kernel process that had been calculating something for 30 hours just because it had lost touch with the front-end. By the way, has the X/unix front-end been improved in MMA 3.0? Thanks. Fergal. -- ==================================================================== Fergal Shevlin Phone: +353-1-6081209 Fax: 6772204 Dept. of Computer Science http://www.cs.tcd.ie/ Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. Fergal.Shevlin at cs.tcd.ie