Re: Q:Nicer than: Function[x,MapAt[Im,x,2]]/@data
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5457] Re: Q:Nicer than: Function[x,MapAt[Im,x,2]]/@data
- From: Clemens Frey <Clemens.Frey at>
- Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 00:26:35 -0500
- Organization:
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
rommel at wrote: > > I want to ListPlot the imaginary part of data: > > data={{x0,z0},{x1,z1},{x2,z2}} > > The x? are real, the z? complex. > > My simple but ugly solution was > > Transpose[{Transpose[data][[1]],Im[Transpose[data][[2]]]}] > > after reading a little I came to the shorter > > Function[x,MapAt[Im,x,2]]/@data > > Is there a nicer way to do it? Hi, pattern matching can do a good job here. Just having defined data = {{1.,I},{2,1+2*I}}; try the following: data /. {_Real,y_} -> Im[y] /. {_Integer,y_} -> Im[y] to get a list of imaginary parts of the second components of the pairs in the list. If you are sure that all first components are really Real (other than in the example above!), then you can drop the "/. {_Integer,y_} -> Im[y]" - thing. I used _Real instead of _ alone to avoid problems with lists of two pairs, on which {_,y_} would also match :-{. Hope this is what you needed Clemens (-: Clemens.Frey at :-)