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Re: [Q]: Reading Input

  • Subject: [mg3216] Re: [mg3192] [Q]: Reading Input
  • From: rbowman at Bridgewater.EDU (Richard Bowman)
  • Date: 17 Feb 1996 22:25:17 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at

To read input in x.xExx format such as that generated by Fortran programs 
specify the type of data as "Real".  For example, I put the following 
data into the file with a title of "data.txt"

    2.34E-4  9.87E15

Then I used the following Mathematica code to read it:

In[4]:= ReadList["data.txt",Real,RecordSeparators->{"\n"," "}]

Out[4]= {0.000234, 9.87 10  }

The E-format is not preserved, but the numbers are stored correctly for 
use by Mathematica.  If a given line is to go into a separate row in the 
resulting list, then the option "RecordLists->True" must be used.  If the 
data is separated by something other than "new line" codes and "spaces," 
then the RecordSeparators list needs to be adjusted appropriately.

Dr. Richard L. Bowman
Dept. of Physics                         e-mail:  rbowman at
Bridgewater College                                  phone:  540-828-5441
Bridgewater, VA  22812                                 FAX:  540-828-5479

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