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Re: Mathematica does not know where are my files. Help!!!

  • Subject: [mg2970] Re: [mg2923] Mathematica does not know where are my files. Help!!!
  • From: penny at (Des Penny)
  • Date: 17 Jan 1996 05:19:44 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: mj at

>Hi guys:
>I have been toiling at this one for while. Now I am turning to the gurus
>out there.
>I had a couple of macros for a Quality Control module that I was coding in
>Mathematica.  It worked fine and I save them in a seperate file called
>"myqctools". But I wanted to call this file in another notebook, PROOOT,
>Mathematica would try to execute the << myqctools command
>and display "Could not open myqctools".  I moved the macro file on the
>same folder as the Mathematica application, but no juice.
>I tried another way using the SetDirectory command, but no juice.  I also
>tried coding the thing as a package, but I am afraid that I did some
>wrong, Mathematica could not still find it.  This is on a PowerMac 8500.
>My questions:
>     -where should I have external files for Mathematica to see them?
>     _how to create a package, and where to store a newly created one for
>Mathematica to see it.
>Thanks to anyone who'd help....

Since I use a Mac also, my answers should work for you.

I believe the answer to your problem will be to append the folder
containing your file to the $Path variable:

$Path=Append[$Path, "HardDriveName:Folder:SubFolder"]

The << command should work ok now.  (I prefer to use the "Needs" command
whenever possible.)

>My questions:
>     -where should I have external files for Mathematica to see them?
>     _how to create a package, and where to store a newly created one for
>Mathematica to see it.

I have all my packages in a folder whose path is:

"D. Penny:Mathematica:My Packages"

Note that "D. Penny" is the name of my hard drive.  The folder "My
Packages"is a subfolder of the "Mathematica" folder.  My init.m notebook
contains the command:

$Path=Join[$Path,{"D. Penny:Mathematica:My Packages"}]

This allows any package in the folder "My Packages" to be seen by Mma.

I suggest that you modify your "init.m" notebook as described above.  This
notebook is contained in the "Packages" subfolder of the "Mathematica"

Hope this helps.


Des Penny

Des Penny
Physical Science Dept.
Southern Utah University
Cedar City, UT 84720

VOICE: (Office): (801) 586-7708
       (Home)  : (801) 586-2286
FAX:    (801) 865-8051
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