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Re: Abort options in Windows

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4417] Re: [mg4346] Abort options in Windows
  • From: Aleksey Nudelman <anudel at>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 23:19:18 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Thu, 11 Jul 1996, Gerry Flanagan wrote:

> Sometimes after hitting an iterrupt on the Windows version of Mathematica, I
> get the following text printed in the notebook cell
> Your options are:
> 	abort (or a) to abort current calculation
> 	continue (or c) to continue
> 	exit (or quit) to exit Mathematica
> 	inspect (or i) to enter an interactive dialog
> 	show (or s) to show current operation (and then continue)
> 	trace (or t) to show all operations
> How can I actually do any of these things.  The keyboard doesn't respond to
> things like "a" for "c".  Normally, things are so fouled up at this point I
> end up disconnecting from the kernal, but I'm still curious. - Gerry F.

I think this is OK that keyboard does not respond to c because you simply
continue your calculations. Try to run some long cycle increasing j by 1 at
every step. Than do Ctrl C. And choose from the above menu i. You should get
a new prompt of Mathematica (say In[2] =)type j and press return
Mathematica should give you an encreased value of j. Not only that if you
limit the maximal value of j say by 100,then interapt Math. at say j=24 go
to i  and write j=100.Then exit interactive mode (Return []).Mathematica
will use now j=100 and will exit  from the cycle.

Aleksey Nudelman


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