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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4440] DInterpolatingFunction.m
  • From: Andrei Constantinescu <constant at>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 03:10:40 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>From news at Mon Jul  1 06:12 WET 1996
	( id AA20836; Mon, 1 Jul 1996 06:12:09 +0100
>From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: Re: Derivative of InterpolatingFunction
>Organization: University of Western Australia

Andrei Constantinescu wrote:

>  I have the following problem:
>  fct = InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 3.14159}, {0., 3.14159}}, <>]
>  ... so its an InterpolatingFunction of 2 variables .
>  What I want now to do is the derivative of this function.
>  But I fail !
>  I get for example:
>  In[69]:= Derivative[1,0][fct]
>                                                               (1,0)
> Out[69]= (InterpolatingFunction[{{25., 210.}, {0., 17.}}, <>])
> In[71]:= %69[100., 4.]

In The Mathematica Journal 4(2):31 the following appears:

Partial Derivatives

Presently, Mathematica cannot handle partial derivatives of 
InterpolatingFunctions. The package DInterpolatingFunction.m, provided 
by Hon  Wah Tam (tam at and included in the electronic 
supplement, computes partial derivatives of two-dimensional 
InterpolatingFunctions. Enhancements for higher dimensions will 
eventually be incorporated into Mathematica.

After placing DInterpolatingFunction.m in your home directory, it can 
be loaded using the command:

<< DInterpolatingFunction`

Define an array of data points:

g[x_, y_] := Sin[3 x] Cos[4 y]

tb = Table[{x, y, g[x, y]}, {x, 0, 1, .1}, {y, 0, 1, .05}];

and then interpolate it:

ifunc = Interpolation[Flatten[tb, 1]];

You can evaluate the interpolated function directly:

ifunc[0.23, 0.41]


and plot its graph:

Plot3D[ifunc[x, y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}];

With the DInterpolatingFunction.m package, you can also compute partial 
derivatives. Here is the derivative with respect to the first variable:

dx = Derivative[1, 0][ifunc];

dx[0.23, 0.41]


which can be compared with the expected value:

Derivative[1, 0][g][0.23, 0.41]



dy = Derivative[0, 1][ifunc];

dy[0.23, 0.41]


Derivative[0, 1][g][0.23, 0.41]


Here is the package:

(* DInterpolatingFunction.m *)

Unprotect[ InterpolatingFunction ];

BeginPackage[ "DInterpolatingFunction`", "Global`" ]

Begin[ "`Private`" ]

DiffElem[ element_, zerolist_ ] :=
   Module[ { coeffs, dvdfs, order, var, 
        polynomial, j, newelement },

      dvdfs = element[[1]];
      coeffs = element[[2]];
      order = Length[ coeffs ];

      polynomial = dvdfs[[ order + 1 ]];
      For[ j = order, j >= 1, j--,
         polynomial = ( var + coeffs[[j]] ) * polynomial + dvdfs[[j]]

      polynomial = D[ Expand[ polynomial ], var ];
      dvdfs = CoefficientList[ polynomial, var ];

      If[ Length[ dvdfs ] < order,
         dvdfs = Join[ dvdfs, zerolist[[ order - Length[ dvdfs ] ]] ]
      newelement = { dvdfs, zerolist[[order-1]] };

      Return[ newelement ];


Interpolate[ x_, dvdfs_, coeffs_, tn_, order_ ] :=
   Module[ { answer, xmtn, j },

      answer = dvdfs[[order+1]];
      xmtn = x - tn;
      For[ j = order, j >= 1, j--,
         answer = ( xmtn + coeffs[[j]] ) * answer + dvdfs[[j]]

      Return[ answer ];


DiffLine[ line_, zerolist_, lastdimpts_ ] :=
   Module[ { i, newline, dvdfs, coeffs, order, tn, x, df, element },

      newline = Table[ DiffElem[ line[[i]], zerolist ],
                       { i, 2, Length[ line ] } ];

      { dvdfs, coeffs } = newline[[1]];
      tn = lastdimpts[[2]];
      x = lastdimpts[[1]];
      order = Length[ coeffs ];

      df = Interpolate[ x, dvdfs, coeffs, tn, order ];
      element = { { df, 0 }, { 0 } };
      PrependTo[ newline, element ];

      Return[ newline ];


InterpolatingFunction /:
        InterpolatingFunction[ range_, table_ ] ] :=
                Module[ { gridpoints, tbl, i, j, order, 
                        zerolist, lastdimpts, newtable,answer },

      gridpoints = table[[1]];
      lastdimpts = Last[ gridpoints ];
      tbl = table[[2]];

      order = Max[ Table[ Length[ tbl[[1,i,2]] ],
                          { i, Length[ tbl[[1]] ] } ] ];
      zerolist = Table[ Table[ 0, { j, i } ], { i, order } ];

      newtable = Table[ DiffLine[ tbl[[i]], zerolist, lastdimpts ],
                        { i, Length[ tbl ] } ];

      answer = InterpolatingFunction[ range, { gridpoints, newtable } 
      Return[ answer ];


InterpolatingFunction /:
Derivative[1,0][InterpolatingFunction[ range_, table_ ] ] :=
   Module[ { gridpoints, ifunc, data, i, j, x, y },

      gridpoints = table[[1]];

      ifunc = InterpolatingFunction[ range, table ];
      data = Table[ { y = gridpoints[[2,j]], x = gridpoints[[1,i]], 
ifunc[x,y] },
                    { j, Length[ gridpoints[[2]] ] },
                    { i, Length[ gridpoints[[1]] ] } ];

      data = Flatten[ data, 1 ];
      ifunc = Interpolation[ data ];

      ifunc = Derivative[0,1][ifunc];

      data = Table[ { x = gridpoints[[1,i]], y = gridpoints[[2,j]], 
                           ifunc[y,x] },
                    { i, Length[ gridpoints[[1]] ] },
                    { j, Length[ gridpoints[[2]] ] } ];
      data = Flatten[ data, 1 ];
      ifunc = Interpolation[ data ];

      Return[ ifunc ];





Paul Abbott
Department of Physics                       Phone: +61-9-380-2734 
The University of Western Australia           Fax: +61-9-380-1014
Nedlands WA  6907                         paul at 

>From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
>To: mathgroup at
>Organization: University of Western Australia 
>Subject: Re: Derivative of InterpolatingFunction

Andrei Constantinescu wrote:

>  I have the following problem:
>  fct = InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 3.14159}, {0., 3.14159}}, <>]
>  ... so its an InterpolatingFunction of 2 variables .
>  What I want now to do is the derivative of this function.
>  But I fail !
>  I get for example:
>  In[69]:= Derivative[1,0][fct]
>                                                               (1,0)
> Out[69]= (InterpolatingFunction[{{25., 210.}, {0., 17.}}, <>])
> In[71]:= %69[100., 4.]

In The Mathematica Journal 4(2):31 the following appears:

Partial Derivatives

Presently, Mathematica cannot handle partial derivatives of 
InterpolatingFunctions. The package DInterpolatingFunction.m, provided 
by Hon  Wah Tam (tam at and included in the electronic 
supplement, computes partial derivatives of two-dimensional 
InterpolatingFunctions. Enhancements for higher dimensions will 
eventually be incorporated into Mathematica.

After placing DInterpolatingFunction.m in your home directory, it can 
be loaded using the command:

<< DInterpolatingFunction`

Define an array of data points:

g[x_, y_] := Sin[3 x] Cos[4 y]

tb = Table[{x, y, g[x, y]}, {x, 0, 1, .1}, {y, 0, 1, .05}];

and then interpolate it:

ifunc = Interpolation[Flatten[tb, 1]];

You can evaluate the interpolated function directly:

ifunc[0.23, 0.41]


and plot its graph:

Plot3D[ifunc[x, y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}];

With the DInterpolatingFunction.m package, you can also compute partial 
derivatives. Here is the derivative with respect to the first variable:

dx = Derivative[1, 0][ifunc];

dx[0.23, 0.41]


which can be compared with the expected value:

Derivative[1, 0][g][0.23, 0.41]



dy = Derivative[0, 1][ifunc];

dy[0.23, 0.41]


Derivative[0, 1][g][0.23, 0.41]


Here is the package:

(* DInterpolatingFunction.m *)

Unprotect[ InterpolatingFunction ];

BeginPackage[ "DInterpolatingFunction`", "Global`" ]

Begin[ "`Private`" ]

DiffElem[ element_, zerolist_ ] :=
   Module[ { coeffs, dvdfs, order, var, 
        polynomial, j, newelement },

      dvdfs = element[[1]];
      coeffs = element[[2]];
      order = Length[ coeffs ];

      polynomial = dvdfs[[ order + 1 ]];
      For[ j = order, j >= 1, j--,
         polynomial = ( var + coeffs[[j]] ) * polynomial + dvdfs[[j]]

      polynomial = D[ Expand[ polynomial ], var ];
      dvdfs = CoefficientList[ polynomial, var ];

      If[ Length[ dvdfs ] < order,
         dvdfs = Join[ dvdfs, zerolist[[ order - Length[ dvdfs ] ]] ]
      newelement = { dvdfs, zerolist[[order-1]] };

      Return[ newelement ];


Interpolate[ x_, dvdfs_, coeffs_, tn_, order_ ] :=
   Module[ { answer, xmtn, j },

      answer = dvdfs[[order+1]];
      xmtn = x - tn;
      For[ j = order, j >= 1, j--,
         answer = ( xmtn + coeffs[[j]] ) * answer + dvdfs[[j]]

      Return[ answer ];


DiffLine[ line_, zerolist_, lastdimpts_ ] :=
   Module[ { i, newline, dvdfs, coeffs, order, tn, x, df, element },

      newline = Table[ DiffElem[ line[[i]], zerolist ],
                       { i, 2, Length[ line ] } ];

      { dvdfs, coeffs } = newline[[1]];
      tn = lastdimpts[[2]];
      x = lastdimpts[[1]];
      order = Length[ coeffs ];

      df = Interpolate[ x, dvdfs, coeffs, tn, order ];
      element = { { df, 0 }, { 0 } };
      PrependTo[ newline, element ];

      Return[ newline ];


InterpolatingFunction /:
        InterpolatingFunction[ range_, table_ ] ] :=
                Module[ { gridpoints, tbl, i, j, order, 
                        zerolist, lastdimpts, newtable,answer },

      gridpoints = table[[1]];
      lastdimpts = Last[ gridpoints ];
      tbl = table[[2]];

      order = Max[ Table[ Length[ tbl[[1,i,2]] ],
                          { i, Length[ tbl[[1]] ] } ] ];
      zerolist = Table[ Table[ 0, { j, i } ], { i, order } ];

      newtable = Table[ DiffLine[ tbl[[i]], zerolist, lastdimpts ],
                        { i, Length[ tbl ] } ];

      answer = InterpolatingFunction[ range, { gridpoints, newtable } 
      Return[ answer ];


InterpolatingFunction /:
Derivative[1,0][InterpolatingFunction[ range_, table_ ] ] :=
   Module[ { gridpoints, ifunc, data, i, j, x, y },

      gridpoints = table[[1]];

      ifunc = InterpolatingFunction[ range, table ];
      data = Table[ { y = gridpoints[[2,j]], x = gridpoints[[1,i]], 
ifunc[x,y] },
                    { j, Length[ gridpoints[[2]] ] },
                    { i, Length[ gridpoints[[1]] ] } ];

      data = Flatten[ data, 1 ];
      ifunc = Interpolation[ data ];

      ifunc = Derivative[0,1][ifunc];

      data = Table[ { x = gridpoints[[1,i]], y = gridpoints[[2,j]], 
                           ifunc[y,x] },
                    { i, Length[ gridpoints[[1]] ] },
                    { j, Length[ gridpoints[[2]] ] } ];
      data = Flatten[ data, 1 ];
      ifunc = Interpolation[ data ];

      Return[ ifunc ];





Paul Abbott
Department of Physics                       Phone: +61-9-380-2734 
The University of Western Australia           Fax: +61-9-380-1014
Nedlands WA  6907                         paul at 

>From mrj at Mon Jul  1 06:52 WET 1996
	( id AA20885; Mon, 1 Jul 1996 06:52:54 +0100
>From: Mark James <mrj at>
>To: mathgroup at
>Organization: The University of Sydney
>Subject: Re: Derivative of InterpolatingFunction

Andrei Constantinescu wrote:
>  I have the following problem:
>  fct = InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 3.14159}, {0., 3.14159}}, <>]
>  ... so its an InterpolatingFunction of 2 variables .
>  What I want now to do is the derivative of this function.

For the time being you will have to use the ND function as part
of NumericalMath`NLimit` in the standard packages.

You can use ND every time you need a derivative, or for greater
speed you may like to pre-compute the partial derivatives as
interpolating functions themselves using ND.

Mark James                                  | EMAIL : mrj at |
Basser Department of Computer Science, F09  | PHONE : +61-2-351-3423     |
The University of Sydney NSW 2006 AUSTRALIA | FAX   : +61-2-351-3838     |


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