Newsgroup Rules and Administration
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg4250] Newsgroup Rules and Administration
- From: steve at (Steve Christensen)
- Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 03:07:42 -0400
- Organization: Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc and MathSolutions, Inc.
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
[NOTE: I will be moving offices from June 29 - July 3 and during some of that time my link to the Internet might be down. I hope this will only be for a few hours. - moderator] I will be posting the following newsgroup moderation rules periodically from now on. Please read them carefully, there are additions and changes. Please note that my web page at has most of these rules and can also direct you to Wolfram Research archives of the newsgroup posts which have been collected for several years. Thanks... Steve Christensen Moderator steve at ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some NewGroup/MathGroup Rules: These rules apply to both the newsgroup comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica and to the MathGroup mailing list. The newsgroup and mailing list are moderated. I read every post and they do not go out until I have read them. I filter out about 25% of the posts and send them elsewhere or answer them myself. Posts to the mailing list go to mathgroup at or mathgroup at If you do not know how to post to the moderated newsgroup or your site does not have the newsgroup, pressure your system adminstrator to add it. PLEASE SEARCH THE ARCHIVES BEFORE YOU ASK WHAT MIGHT BE A COMMON QUESTION. The newsgroup and mailing list receive the SAME information. If you do not like getting about 20 emails a day, read the newsgroup and do not join the mailing list. If you can read the newsgroup, please ask to be taken off the mailing list. It will lower the load on my machine. I DO NOT accept flames or non-constructive critical email. I will simply not post such mail. Try to obey the net etiquette. I will not post bug reports unless you have already sent them to Wolfram Research and not heard anything for a month or so. Be sure that what you are sending is a bug and not your ignorance of Mathematica. Read the manuals and books first. Nine out of ten bug reports I have seen are not bugs. I will generally NOT post comparisons of Mathematica and other systems. Questions like "System X can do this calculation and I want to be able to do it in Mathematica. How can this be done?" can be submitted. Basically, I don't want to post general discussions of computer algebra systems which are more appropriate for other newsgroups. Some of you are using strange editors that leave control characters in your posts. Please try to avoid this. I have to edit them out for the posts to be readable. Questions about when the next version of Mathematica will be coming out will not be posted. Contact Wolfram Research. If you want to post something about a future release, make sure you are not violating any non-disclosure agreements and that what you are posting is accurate. When in doubt, ask your Wolfram Research beta testing contact. I will accept Mathematica related commercial announcements so long as they are short and don't contain too much hype. General mathematics questions should be posted to sci.math or elsewhere. Please do not post a message more than once. If you do not see your post one week after you sent it, email me. Mail goes out once or twice a day unless my machine or network link is down. I will not post mail asking where to get Mathematica. Contact Wolfram Research, info at, for that. When you are having trouble with some Mathematica function or program, post as much information as you have - like the full session where the problem occurred - so that it is easier to find the problem. If your copy of Mathematica is not registered - do it! The funny [mg....] label in the Subject line of messages is the number of the post for the MathGroup mailing list readers. If you have done some interesting work that might be of value to others, let us know and consider sending it to MathSource. Do not send mail to sci.math.symbolic on the net also. You are likely to get much better help from MathGroup and without all the flames that can appear in that newsgroup. If you get error messages from a site on the net, send the entire message to me so that I can delete the offending site. My setup tries to avoid bounced mail, but it still happens. Make sure you subscribe by sending a valid email address. If your mail receiving machine is down a lot it is likely that your address will be removed. If you wish to unsubscribe, make sure you send the address that you used to subscribe. MathGroup is not a list server. Vague messages like "help" or "subscribe" are not sufficient. The list is not automated, so when you send a message it is read by a "human" - me. Make sure your message is clear. If you receive useful information from members of the list to questions you post, summarize it and send the summary back to the group for posting. These efforts are supported by Wolfram Research, Sun Microsystems, MathSolutions, Inc. and Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc. free of charge. You can assist in this effort by purchases of our software, telling others of our good works, and by helping your fellow Mathematica users with advise and assistance. If the assistance you get is valuable in your work, please acknowledge this effort. ==== [MESSAGE SEPARATOR] ====