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deconvolution programm

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4074] deconvolution programm
  • From: nik at
  • Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 01:34:15 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I would like an evaluation of the following notebook.

Nikolai Berdunov
e-mail: nik at

>Do you want this posted to the Mathematica newsgroup and mailing

>Steve Christensen
> (*^
> ::[     frontEndVersion = "Microsoft Windows Mathematica Notebook Front End Version 2.2";
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> Three-Dimensional Deconvolution Programm for Reconstraction of Atomic Force Microscopy Image
> :[font = section; inactive; backColorRed = 65280; backColorGreen = 65280; backColorBlue = 65280; fontColorRed = 0; fo
> ColorGreen = 0; fontColorBlue = 0; bold; fontName = "Arial"; fontSize = 14; ]
> Discussion and Implementation
> :[font = text; inactive; backColorRed = 65280; backColorGreen = 65280; backColorBlue = 65280; fontColorRed = 0; fontC
> orGreen = 0; fontColorBlue = 0; plain; fontName = "Arial"; fontSize = 12; ]
> Well-knowing problem of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique is obtaining of the true surface image since AFM imag
> is a surface-tip convolution. 
> Evidently that the greater is  the Tip, the greater is Image distortion and conversely. And the less is structure wic
> we want observing, the less must be the Tip,It is hopeless case. We suggest the our algorithm until the problem is te
> nology insoluble.
> :[font = subsection; inactive; ]
> Example
> :[font = text; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
> As an illustration our algorithm we use cubic structure on the plane
> :[font = input; endGroup; nowordwrap; backColorRed = 65280; backColorGreen = 65280; backColorBlue = 65280; fontColorR
>  = 0; fontColorGreen = 0; fontColorBlue = 0; bold; fontName = "Courier New"; fontSize = 12; ]
> Nt=5; Ny=40; Nx=40;
> Tip=Table[(51.+(x^2+y^2)),{x,-Nt,Nt},{y,-Nt,Nt}];
> Samp=Table[If[i>15 && j>15 && i<25 && j<25,25,0],{i,Ny},{j,Nx}];
> New=Table[0,{i,Ny-2 Nt},{j,Nx-2 Nt}];
> l2:=Table[GrayLevel[1],{i,Ny-2 Nt-1},{j,Nx-2 Nt-1}];
> q1=ListPlot3D[Samp[[Range[Nt+1,Ny-Nt],Range[Nt+1,Nx-Nt]]],
> l2,PlotRange->{All,All,{-5,40}}];
> :[font = text; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
> and semispherical Tip.
> :[font = input; endGroup; nowordwrap; backColorRed = 65280; backColorGreen = 65280; backColorBlue = 65280; fontColorR
>  = 0; fontColorGreen = 0; fontColorBlue = 0; bold; fontName = "Courier New"; fontSize = 12; ]
> Tip1=Table[(51.+(x^2+y^2)),{x,-2Nt,2Nt},{y,-2Nt,2Nt}];
> l2:=Table[GrayLevel[1],{i,4 Nt},{j,4 Nt}];
> q1=ListPlot3D[Tip1,l2,PlotRange->{All,All,{Min[Tip],140}},
> ViewPoint->{1.566,-2.890,0.803}, Boxed->False,Axes->False];
> :[font = text; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
> Then result of Tip-scaning on Surface.(It will be dependent on the cub and sphere size).
> :[font = input; endGroup; nowordwrap; backColorRed = 65280; backColorGreen = 65280; backColorBlue = 65280; fontColorR
>  = 0; fontColorGreen = 0; fontColorBlue = 0; bold; fontName = "Courier New"; fontSize = 12; ]
> Do[New[[i,j]]=Min[N[Tip-Samp[[Range[i,2 Nt+i],
> Range[j,2Nt+j]]]]],{i,Ny-2 Nt},{j,Nx-2 Nt}];
> l2:=Table[GrayLevel[1],{i,Ny-2 Nt-1},{j,Nx-2 Nt-1}];
> q1=ListPlot3D[Max[New]-New,l2,PlotRange->{All,All,{-5,40}}];
> :[font = text; inactive; startGroup; Cclosed; ]
> And new Image is obtained by using Deconvolution Algorithm.  
> This is case of no full reconstraction. It is determined by contact Tip with  Surface do not all points.
> Otherwise will be seen a full reconstruction and new Image will be identical to initial Image.
> :[font = input; endGroup; nowordwrap; backColorRed = 65280; backColorGreen = 65280; backColorBlue = 65280; fontColorR
>  = 0; fontColorGreen = 0; fontColorBlue = 0; bold; fontName = "Courier New"; fontSize = 12; ]
> Table[Samp[[i,j]]=0,{i,Ny},{j,Nx}];
> Table[Samp[[i,j]]=New[[i-Nt,j-Nt]],{i,Nt+1,Ny-Nt},{j,Nt+1,Nx-Nt}];
> Do[New[[i,j]]=Min[N[Tip-Samp[[Range[i,2 Nt+i],Range[j,2Nt+j]]]]],
> {i,Ny-2 Nt},{j,Nx-2 Nt}];
> l2:=Table[GrayLevel[1],{i,Ny-2 Nt-1},{j,Nx-2 Nt-1}];
> q1=ListPlot3D[30-Max[New]+New,l2,PlotRange->{All,All,{-5,40}}];
> :[font = help; inactive; nohscroll; ]
>  For question and more information You should be adressed :
> :[font = name; inactive; nohscroll; ]
> Kazan Physical Technical Insitute
> Nikolai Berdunov
> e-mail: nik at
> or        Nikolai.Berdunov at
> ^*)$


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