Re: InterpolatingFunction
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5020] Re: [mg4972] InterpolatingFunction
- From: jpk at (Jens-Peer Kuska)
- Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 16:40:27 -0400
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
---------- X-Sun-Data-Type: text X-Sun-Data-Description: text X-Sun-Data-Name: text X-Sun-Content-Lines: 59 X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii Hi, I append a package Poincare.m that does all what You want. How ever it is a bit slow because is was written for explaning the numerical technique not for calculating *real* Poincare sections that have usual some hundred or thousend points. For that case You can have my sample program henonml thats compute the Poincare section for the Henon-Heiles system in a Mathlink program. Contact me directly is You want the C-Code a cover package to launch the ML-program and a sample notebook. Hope that helps Jens BeginPackage["Poincare`"] PoincareSection::usage= "PoincareSection[traj,plane,{t,t0,tE}] calculates the Poincare Section of an autonomus dynamical system. The trajectorie of the system traj is the solution returned by NDSolve. PoicareSection returns the list of intersection points with the plane plane. The time interval t in [t0,tE] is searched for possible intersection points. A optional fourth argument can be given to increase th initial number of 500 subdivisions of the time interval." Begin["`Private`"] PoincareSection[traj_,plane:Equal[left_,right_], time:{t_Symbol,t0_?NumberQ,tE_?NumberQ}, subdiv_:500]:= Module[{sectlst={},dt=N[(tE-t0)/subdiv], tau=t0,sect, eqn,pplane=plane /. traj, interpol= #[[2]] & /@ Flatten[traj], sign1,sign2}, eqn=(left-right) /. traj; sign1=Sign[eqn /. t->t0 ]; While[tau<tE, tau+=dt; If[tau>tE, tau=tE]; sign2=Sign[eqn /. t->tau]; If[sign1=!=sign2, sect=FindRoot[pplane,{t,tau-dt,tau}]; If[sect =!=$Failed, AppendTo[sectlst,interpol /. sect]]; ]; sign1=sign2; ]; sectlst ] End[] EndPackage[] ---------- X-Sun-Data-Type: default X-Sun-Data-Description: default X-Sun-Data-Name: POINCARE.M X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 42 BeginPackage["Poincare`"] PoincareSection::usage= "PoincareSection[traj,plane,{t,t0,tE}] calculates the Poincare Section of an autonomus dynamical system. The trajectorie of the system traj is the solution returned by NDSolve. PoicareSection returns the list of intersection points with the plane plane. The time interval t in [t0,tE] is searched for possible intersection points. A optional fourth argument can be given to increase th initial number of 500 subdivisions of the time interval." Begin["`Private`"] PoincareSection[traj_,plane:Equal[left_,right_], time:{t_Symbol,t0_?NumberQ,tE_?NumberQ}, subdiv_:500]:= Module[{sectlst={},dt=N[(tE-t0)/subdiv], tau=t0,sect, eqn,pplane=plane /. traj, interpol= #[[2]] & /@ Flatten[traj], sign1,sign2}, eqn=(left-right) /. traj; sign1=Sign[eqn /. t->t0 ]; While[tau<tE, tau+=dt; If[tau>tE, tau=tE]; sign2=Sign[eqn /. t->tau]; If[sign1=!=sign2, sect=FindRoot[pplane,{t,tau-dt,tau}]; If[sect =!=$Failed, AppendTo[sectlst,interpol /. sect]]; ]; sign1=sign2; ]; sectlst ] End[] EndPackage[]