Re: Matrix norms? ..
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg6793] Re: Matrix norms? ..
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl>
- Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 01:50:32 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Chung Cheong Ming wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > I just wonder if Mathematica can find the p-norms of a matrix? > p can be 1, 2, infinity, though I know I can program those norms. > > Joseph > The infinity-norm is just the maximum over all rows of the sum of absolute values. The 1-norm is the same, summed over columns. Alternatively, it can be viewed as the infinity-norm of the transposed matrix. The 2-norm is just the largest singular value. The examples below were run in version 3 of mathematica, on a Pentium Pro running under Linux. In[1]:= normInfinity[m_] := Max[Apply[Plus, Abs[m], 1]] In[2]:= norm1[m_] := normInfinity[Transpose[m]] In[3]:= norm2[m_] := First[SingularValues[m][[2]]] Let's try an example. In[5]:= SeedRandom[1111] In[6]:= mat = Table[Random[], {400}, {400}]; In[7]:= normInfinity[mat] Out[7]= 216.233 In[8]:= norm1[mat] Out[8]= 218.138 In[9]:= Timing[norm2[mat]] Out[9]= {34.54 Second, 200.454} Good so far, except that the 2-norm is time-consuming to compute. Below is a faster way that tends to be quite accurate. We use the so-called "power method" to find the largest eigenvalue of mat.Transpose[Conjugate[mat]]. As this matrix is symmetric, its largest eigenvalue is also its largest singular value. Moreover, this is just the square of the largest singular value of mat. In[10]:= estimateNorm2[mat_?MatrixQ]:= Module[ {symmat=mat.Transpose[Conjugate[mat]], len=Length[mat], prec=Precision[mat], x, y}, y = Table[Random[Real, {1, 2}, prec+5], {len}]; For [j=1, j<=5, j++, x = y; y = symmat.x; ]; Sqrt[Apply[Plus, Map[Abs,y]] / Apply[Plus, Map[Abs,x]]] ] In[11]:= Timing[estimateNorm2[mat]] Out[11]= {13.11 Second, 200.454} It can be checked that most of the time to do this is in taking the dot product. Which makes sense, because that operation is O(n^3) for an n-by-n matrix, whereas the rest of the code is clearly O(n^2). Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research danl at