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Re: AW: Graphics export with rasterps.exe

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8096] Re: [mg8039] AW: [mg7968] Graphics export with rasterps.exe
  • From: Kristina Pawlikowski <pawlikk at>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 00:54:37 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Have you tried Adobe Illustrator?  I get very nice results by first using
Display to save the graphics in Illustrator format, then adding labels and such
in AI (v.4.1).  From within AI I save the file as an .eps and import from
either Power Point or Word (for Win 95).  In the Windows programs, the drawings
look lousy on the screen, but print out very nicely on a PostScript printer.

Hope this helps,


>Hi Daniel,
>thanks for your reply. I have made about the same experience:
>Display["file.eps",graphics,"EPS"] can be imported into Corel 5 (forget
>about Corel 6/7!) but fonts will be changed (set to Courier-Bold),
>text-formats will be dropped, rotated text will be misplaced and rotation=
>reversed. Be aware of your ImageSize settings (or you'll find big text in=
> a
>small graphic). If the graphic is not too large one can ungroup its
>elements and re-format the text (usually ticks and axes labels). When the=
>file is large - consider beat-to-beat heartrate data measured for 45
>minutes (a usual setting in my work): forget about Corel. It will crash a=
>the time.
>Thanks to your reply I won't try PaintShop etc.
>Meanwhile, at least I had Mathematica print the graphics from its own
>notebooks (tricky anyhow). =
>But how sell your results in a format "nowbody" can read?
>Saving in WMF format directly from Mathematica enhances the problems: tex=
>is placed correctly only in "trivial" cases (forget about "nice" formatte=
>rotated axes labels).
>So, at the moment working on windows platform results in the need of doin=
>a lot of annoying work by hand to get access to your Mathematica results.=
>And even then you will have to accept a loss of quality.
>Maybe the problem is resolved with V. 3.0.1... (_when_ and how get it?)
><BG> - I hear someone say: "so _why_ do you work with windows and word??"=
>Well - I'd _really_ like to try a Mac or Next machine (maybe to have the
>same probs)... Only: there is nobody else here using it. So what happens
>will be:
>"I can't open your file" - "It works on my machine... You have to ..." -
>"If working with your files causes this much extra effort I will not use
>them anymore - give me an Excel/Winword etc file" ... and you will instal=
>windoze. Here we are again.
>Anybody out there with suggestions for a workaround?

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