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Re: grid plot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg5800] Re: [mg5777] grid plot
  • From: Allan Hayes <hay at>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 00:44:10 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

et476 at cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Hai Q. Nguyen)
[mg5777] grid plot

>I wonder if it's possible to connect the following pattern
>of points(defined by their x,y,z coordinates) with
>straight lines :
>a  b  c  d  e....m
>n  o  p  q  r....t
>u  v  w  x  y....z
>Point "o" for example will have 4 straight lines connecting
>it to neighboring points n,b,p, and v. Boundary points
>like point "a" will have 2 lines connecting to "b" and "n".

Here is a technique that may help

(dat = {{a,b,c,d},{e,f,g,h},{i,j,j,l}})//TableForm

	a   b   c   d

	e   f   g   h

	i   j   j   l

upddown = MapThread[T, {Drop[dat,-1],Drop[dat,1]}, 2]//MatrixForm

	T[a, e]   T[b, f]   T[c, g]   T[d, h]

	T[e, i]   T[f, j]   T[g, j]   T[h, l]

leftright = MapThread[T,  
{Drop[Transpose[dat],-1],Drop[Transpose[dat],1]}, 2]//

	T[a, b]   T[b, c]   T[c, d]

	T[e, f]   T[f, g]   T[g, h]

	T[i, j]   T[j, j]   T[j, l]
Allan Hayes
hay at

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