Fwd: Pls help me translate Laguerre poly to Hermite type "Hn" in MMA 2.
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg5705] Fwd: [mg5683] Pls help me translate Laguerre poly to Hermite type "Hn" in MMA 2.
- From: BobHanlon at aol.com
- Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 14:29:04 -0500
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
To be a polynomial, the first parameter in LaguerreL must be an integer. For non-integer values of the first parameter, LaguerreL is the generalized Laguerre function. The transformation which you used is only valid for restricted values of the parameters and these restrictions should be included in the transformation's definition: lag[n_Integer, a_/; a == -1/2, x_] := (((-1)^n)/(n! * 2^(2*n))) * HermiteH[2*n, Sqrt[x]] Comparing the first several values: Table[LaguerreL[n, -1/2, x] == lag[n, -1/2, x], {n, 0, 7}] // Simplify {True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True} The generalized Laguerre function is equivalent to the confluent hypergeometric function. The transformation is (generalization of A&S 22.5.54) lag[nu_, a_, x_] := Binomial[nu + a, nu] * Hypergeometric1F1[-nu, a + 1, x] lag[1/2, -1/2, 1] 1 Sqrt[Pi] Binomial[0, -] 2 1 1 Hypergeometric1F1Regularized[-(-), -, 1] 2 2 % /. Binomial[x_, y_] -> Gamma[x+1]/(Gamma[y+1] * Gamma[x-y+1]) 1 1 2 Hypergeometric1F1Regularized[-(-), -, 1] 2 2 ------------------------------------------ Sqrt[Pi] % == LaguerreL[1/2, -1/2, 1] True A&S 13.6.15 would enable you to express this specific confluent hypergeometic function in terms of the Weber (parabolic cylinder) function. In version 3.0 both lag[1/2, -1/2, 1] and LaguerreL[1/2, -1/2, 1] result in 2 (E - Sqrt[Pi] Erfi[1])/Pi --------------------- Forwarded message: From: hucka at eecs.umich.edu (Michael Hucka) To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net I have a certain expression in my work that Mathematica 2.2 simplifies to something containing a generalized Laguerre polynomial (LaguerreL). The form of the Laguerre is one with n = 1/2, a = -1/2, which MMA 2.2 apparently won't express in simpler terms than, for example, In[66]:= LaguerreL[1/2, -1/2, x] 1 1 Out[66]= LaguerreL[-, -(-), x] 2 2 I need to simplify my original expression further. We don't have Mathematica 3.0 yet, only version 2.2, which doesn't have the FunctionExpand command, which is what I really need for my problem. So I'm trying to express the generalized Laguerre in terms of another polynomial. My copy of Abramowitz and Stegun _Handbook of Mathematical Functions_ says that the generalized Laguerre polynomial where a = -1/2 can be expressed as follows: n (-1/2) (-1) _ L (x) = ------- H (\/x ) n 2n 2n n! 2 where H is the Hermite type "n" polynomial. So I've tried the following definition in Mathematica 2.2: lag[n_, a_, x_] := (((-1)^n)/(n! * 2^(2*n))) * HermiteH[2*n, Sqrt[x]] This seems right to me, but it does not seem to yield the same answers as LaguerreL[n, -1/2, x]. For example: In[74]:= LaguerreL[1/2, -1/2, 1] 1 1 2 Hypergeometric1F1Regularized[-(-), -, 1] 2 2 Out[74]= ------------------------------------------ Sqrt[Pi] In[75]:= lag[1/2, -1/2, 1] 2 I Out[75]= -------- Sqrt[Pi] In[76]:= N[%%] Out[76]= -0.131794 In[77]:= N[%%] Out[77]= 1.12838 I I must be doing something very wrong, but I just can't see it. Can someone else please help me resolve this? In addition, if someone has access to MMA 3.0 and would run FunctionExpand on LaguerreL[1/2, -1/2, x] and send me the result, I'd appreciate it. -- Mike Hucka hucka at umich.edu <URL: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/hucka> Ph.D. candidate, computational models of human visual processing, U-M AI Lab UNIX admin & programmer/analyst, EECS Dept., University of Michigan