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init.m ? Motif.m ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7466] init.m ? Motif.m ?
  • From: pokornp at (Pavel Pokorny)
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 01:35:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In Mathematica 2.2 for HP-UX
the Motif graphics was initialized in the file math/StartUp/init.m
based on the system variables TERM and DISPLAY:

        $Remote || $ParentLink =!= Null,                <<"PSDirect.m",
        Environment["DISPLAY"] =!= $Failed,             <<"Motif.m",
        Environment["TERM"]    ==  "vt100",             <<"Tek.m",
        True,                                           <<"Terminal.m"

In 3.0 there are 12 init.m files for various packages,
but where is the "StartUp/init.m" file ?

If I try to initialize Motif by hand, it does not work:

$ math
Mathematica 3.0 for HP-UX PA-RISC
Copyright 1988-96 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= <<"Motif.m"
 -- Motif graphics initialized -- 

In[2]:= Plot [ x^2, {x,0,2}]
Usage: motifps

   LinkObject[motifps -mathlink -linkmode ParentConnect, 1, 1]
     is dead; attempt to connect failed.

   Argument $Failed in LinkWrite[$Failed, TextPacket[DisplayTitle]]
     is not a valid LinkObject.

   Argument LinkObject[motifps -mathlink -linkmode ParentConnect, 1, 1] in 
    LinkWrite[<<2>>] is not an open LinkObject.

   Argument LinkObject[motifps -mathlink -linkmode ParentConnect, 1, 1] in 
    LinkWrite[<<2>>] is not an open LinkObject.

   Argument LinkObject[motifps -mathlink -linkmode ParentConnect, 1, 1] in 
    LinkWrite[<<2>>] is not an open LinkObject.

General::stop: Further output of LinkObject::linkx
     will be suppressed during this calculation.

Out[2]= -Graphics-


How to make it work ?

Thank you.

Pavel POKORNY                                   phone: +420 2 24 35 50 33    
Department of Mathematics                              +420 2 24 35 30 96    
Prague Institute of Chemical Technology         fax:   +420 2 32 50 20
Technicka 5
166 28 Prague, Czech Republic              e-mail: Pavel.Pokorny at 

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