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RE: Newbie question: big matri

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg9338] RE: [mg9253] Newbie question: big matri
  • From: Ersek_Ted%PAX1A at
  • Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 03:33:25 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dennis wrote:
|I have three 100x100 sparse (diagonal) matrices (matrxD, matrxU, and
|matrxL) and three 100x1 matrices (b, x2, and x1), and I'm performing
|several operation on them:
|x2 = -Inverse[matrxD].(matrxL+matrxU).x1+Inverse[matrxD].b; |
|I have to do it MANY, MANY times...  with a 5x5 matrix it takes a few
|minutes, but with a 100x100 it takes longer than eight hours (and
still |running).  Does anyone (offhandedly) know of a way to reduce the
time |this takes for Mathematica to solve? |
|Dennis W. Scott, Jr.    
|University of Illinois at Urbana          dscott at |

I don't have a simple fix for you, but I will point you to a few places.

Take a look at Numerical Recipes in C.  You will most likely find it at
your  campus bookstore and possibly at the library.  This book talks
about  numerical computations on sparse matrices, and a lot of other
good stuff.

The authors of Numerical Recipes in C advise that computing the inverse
of a  large matrix is a very tedious task, and you should avoid this
computation  if you can help it.  One place in particular where you
don't want to compute  the inverse of a matrix is when you are finding
the solution to a system of  linear equations (there are faster ways). 
This book discusses many other  numerical algorithms (many are similar
to those in Mathematica) that may be  suitable for your problem.

Is the problem you referred to part of a much larger effort?  In general
it's best to avoid making your own routines if you can.  It's usually
better  to make use of built in features (as much as you can).  Keep
this in mind  when you write your programs.

Also, you might look into MathSource at;

Ted Ersek

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