Re: Problem trying to link to a remote kernel. *sigh*
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg9883] Re: Problem trying to link to a remote kernel. *sigh*
- From: "Hunter Ware" <haw4t at>
- Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:39:32 -0500
- Organization: ESInet - Charlottesville, VA
- References: <65nj7c$52g$> <65o9im$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Here is the full form of the answer, posted at the request of the author. thanks again... ----snip---- The fact that you're using an assigned (dynamic) IP address makes life a little more difficult, but not impossible. When you perform a remote kernel connection, two things happen. 1) The front end opens a listening link on a free IP socket on your machine. 2) The front end launches a Mathematica-installed program called winrsh that executes a command on the remote host to start up the kernel. In step (2), a number of command line switches are being passed along with "math" that tell the kernel to connect to a front end using a the grabbed socket on your machine. The shell command looks something like "math -mathlink ... -linkname socket# at yourmachinename". socket# is a 16-bit integer, and yourmachinename is the machine name listed in your Windows 95 network control panel. I bet ya that the dns name of your assigned IP address does not resolve back to your the name in the control panel. This is where things get gummed up. The way to fix this problem (aside from getting a fixed IP address :)) is to do the following before launching the kernel. 1) Start up an MS-DOS Prompt window and enter the command arp -a. The first IP address that you see listed [] should be the address assigned to you at login. 2) Open up the kernel configuration dialog box for your remote kernel and click on the Advanced Options radio button. You should see a blank that reads Arguments to MLOpen, and it should read something like -LinkMode Listen -LinkProtocol TCP -LinkOptions MLDontInteract Change this to read: -LinkMode Listen -LinkProtocol TCP -LinkName "XXXXX" -LinkOptions MLDontInteract where "XXXXX" is a 16-bit integer surrounded by quotes. Pick a number that's fairly large since the low number sockets are grabbed by system services. I use "4935" as mine. 3) Futher on down, you'll see the remote command to launch the kernel. It should look like: winrsh -m -q -h `host` -l `username` '`executable` -mathlink -LinkMode Connect -LinkName "`linkname`"' Change this to read: winrshi -e -m -q -h hostname -l username shellcommand -mathlink - LinkMode Connect -LinkName "XXXXX at XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" Where XXXXX is the socket number in (2), and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address that you looked up in (1). The values of hostname, username, and shellcommand should be replaced with the values of the remote Unix host, your login name on the Unix host, and the shell command used to start the kernel on that machine respectively. Here is an example. Let's say I want a remote kernel connection to use socket 4935 on my machine, and my machine's IP address is The link name in (2) would be "4935", and the link name in (3) would be "4935 at". I want to run the kernel on a host named "mosquito", and the shell command to start the kernel is "math". My username on the remote host is "paulh". My configuration entries would look like: MLOpen arguments: -LinkMode Listen -LinkProtocol TCP -LinkName "4935" - LinkOptions MLDontInteract Command to Launch Kernel: winrsh -e -m -q -h mosquito -l paulh math -mathlink -LinkMode Connect - LinkProtocol TCP -LinkName "4935 at" Whenever you need to do a remote kernel connection on a different dialup session, just change the IP address in the command to launch kernel line to refect the value returned by arp -a. Hope this helps. I'll pass a note to the support folks to put this info up as an FAQ. -- P.J. Hinton Mathematica Programming Group paulh at Wolfram Research, Inc. ----snip---- \||// Hunter Ware <ware at> oO Research Associate - Barron Associates Inc. ()^() 1160 Pepsi Place, Charlottesville, Va, 22901 U Phone (804) 973-1215 FAX (804) 973-4686