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RE: Graphics Output

Use GraphicsArray:
GraphicsArray[{g1,g2, ...}] will plot the gi's in a row, and
GraphicsArray[{{g1,g2, ...}}] will plot in a line. See TMB section


**************************************** Jean-Marie THOMAS
Conseil et Audit en Inginierie de Calcul Strasbourg, France

-----Original Message-----
From: BALLY [] To:
Subject: [mg12024] [mg11978] Graphics Output

Dear all experts,

	I have one question concerning the graphics output of Mathematica. How
can I display, for example, a total of 3 graphics in one line ? I am
now making a total of 3 graphics and want to print it in one line,
however, the program automatically display it vertically. Any method to
do this ?

	By the way, when I copy and paste the file to other place, for example
Winword or else, the graphics distorted. How can I ouput those graphics
in the orginal way ?

	A thousand thanks.


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