MathGroup Archive 1998

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My use of Mathematica yields expressions with literal parameters that
run on for pages. But I know that two or three of the terms in these
expressions dominate the rest because I know that (e.g.) p1/p2>>p3/p4.
How can I tell Mathematica this and get it to automatically drop p3/p4
from p1/p2 + p3/p4, and p3 from p1 p4/p2 + p3, and (p2 p3)^2 from (p1
p4)^2 + (p2 p3)^2, and p2/p1 from p2/p1 + p4/p3, and 1 from p1 p4/p2/p3
+ 1, et al.?

--John Pinson

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