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Re: 2D Heat Equation w/ NDSolve

Hi Shawn,
I suggest you read further examples in the help for NDSolve (and then
wait for more releases of Mathematica to come).


-----Original Message-----
From: shawn a. means <> To:
Subject: [mg12145] [mg12110] 2D Heat Equation w/ NDSolve

>I just installed Mathematica 3.0.1, and I'm trying to play with a 2-D
>heat equation.  Shouldn't there be a way to fiddle with NDSolve such
>that I can get ranges for two spatial dimensions?  It doesn't appear to
>be straightforward since the NDSolve inputs like: NDSolve[eqns, u[x,
>t], {x, xmin, xmax}, {t, tmin, tmax}], and if I enter a y-variable with
>range I get an error complaining about options after the fourth item;
>i.e., NDSolve[eqns, u[x,y,t], {x, xmin, xmax}, {y ymin, ymax}, {t,
>tmin, tmax}].
>Any help would be much appreciated!
>Please e-mail me directly too!
>"I will put an end to the pride of the mighty...
>   they will know that I am the Lord"  Ezekiel 7:24b-27b

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