Options for Plot
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg14973] Options for Plot
- From: Arnold Seiken <seikena at idol.union.edu>
- Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 03:58:57 -0500
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
Dear Mathematica Mavens, Three questions about the Plot function and its options. 1. The following gives no problem: Plot[Sin[x]^2, {x,0,2Pi}, PlotLabel->FontForm[Sin[x]^2, {"Times", 14}] ] Change the value of the FormatType option and strange things appear along the y-axis. (I'm using Mac OS 8.1, Mathematica 3.0.) Why? Plot[Sin[x]^2, {x,0,2Pi}, PlotLabel->FontForm[Sin[x]^2, {"Times", 14}], FormatType->TraditionalForm ] Also, no problem if we use PlotStyle. Plot[Sin[x]^2, {x,0,2Pi}, PlotStyle->Text[Sin[x]^2"y=" ,{3,0.5}] ] Again, TraditionalForm seems to affect text on the y-axis. Plot[Sin[x]^2, {x,0,2Pi}, PlotStyle->Text[Sin[x]^2"y=" ,{3,0.5}], FormatType->TraditionalForm ] 2. The second question concerns the first argument of the above Text function, namely Sin[x]^2"y". This gives the desired output but the syntax looks strange and I have no idea why it works. The same syntax works when used as a first argument for FontForm. 3. TextStyle seems to control not only the size, color,etc of text placed in the middle of a plot but also the size, color,etc of the axes labels and the number symbols placed along the axes. Plot[Sin[x]^2, {x,0,2Pi}, PlotLabel->StyleForm[Sin[x]^2, FontSlant->"Plain", FontColor->RGBColor[0,0,1], FontSize->16, FontFamily->"Times" ], AxesLabel->{"x", "y"}, PlotStyle->{Text[Sin[x]^2 ,{3,0.5}],RGBColor[0,1,0]}, TextStyle->{FontSlant->"Italic", FontSize->12, FontWeight->"Bold", FontFamily->"Machias", FontColor->RGBColor[1,0,0]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm ] Can the above be modified to obtain say, yellow axes labels and magenta number symbols along the axes?