Re: FW: Re: Frequencies function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg15214] Re: [mg15180] FW: Re: Frequencies function
- From: Des Penny <penny at>
- Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 04:01:44 -0500
- Organization: Southern Utah University
- References: <>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Dear Debbie: I tried the following and had no trouble: In[2]:= Needs["Statistics`DataManipulation`"] In[3]:= ?Frequencies "Frequencies[list] gives a list of the distinct elements in list, together \ with the frequencies with which they occur." In[4]:= lis ={1,3,2,5,2,4,1}; In[5]:= Frequencies[lis] Out[5]= {{2,1},{2,2},{1,3},{1,4},{1,5}} In[6]:= Frequencies[{a,b,a,a,b,c}] Out[6]= {{3,a},{2,b},{1,c}} If when you executed Frequencies[lis], you got lis back, then Frequencies must be executing - however it may not be the function that is contained in the Statistics Package. Perhaps you have a shadowing problem here. If you defined your own function "Frequencies", before you read in the Statistics package, then your function will be defined in the Global context and will thus shadow the Frequencies function just read in. It may be that your function (Global`Frequencies) is executing and not the Statistics function (Statistics`DataManipulation`Frequencies). The following commands will help you understand what is happening: $Packages (This will tell you which packages are loaded.) $ContextPath (This tells you how Mathematica looks for variables. Mathematica searches the current context first and then searches each context in $ContextPath.) $Context (Gives the current context) Execute ?Frequencies and Context[Frequencies] to give you the information you need with your particular function. Finally, avoid using << to read in a package. Use Needs["Statistics`DataManipulation`"] instead. Needs only reads in a package when it has not been read in before. Some packages cannot be read-in a second time. Hope this helps. Cheers, Des Penny Physical Science Dept Southern Utah University Cedar City, Utah 84720 Voice: (435) 586-7708 FAX: (435) 865-8051 Email: penny at jim leddon wrote: > -----Original Message----- > From: jim leddon [SMTP:jleddon at] Sent: Thursday, December To: mathgroup at > 17, 1998 6:46 AM To: 'mathgroup at' > Subject: [mg15214] Re: Frequencies function > > Hello, > > I am trying to use the 'Frequencies" function under the data > manipulation package as described below: > > in[1]: ClearAll; > > in[2]: <<Statistics`DataManipulation` > > in[3]: lis ={1,3,2,5,2,4,1}; > > in[4]: freq = Frequencies[lis] > > out[4]: {1,3,2,5,2,4,1} > > in essence, I just get a repeat of the data list, "lis". What could be > wrong? > > Thanks in advance for your help. > Regards, > Debbie Leddon
- References:
- FW: Re: Frequencies function
- From: jim leddon <>
- FW: Re: Frequencies function