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Formatting posts

This is a plea to those who paste bits of code from notebooks into
e-mail posts on the mathuser group.  

#1 -- Don't expect people to decipher the text version of 2-D code such

\!\(\[Integral]\(x\^\(2\ \)\) \[DifferentialD]x\)

Instead, select your 2-D cell, change the format to InputForm, right
click on your selection and choose "copy as... text.  Then paste it
into the email which will give a much more readable:

Integrate[x^2, x].

The two bits of code above are the same.  Guess which one will get read!

#2 -- Do not paste the text of a notebook into an email message.  Many
of us have been unable to ever get one of those actually recognized as
a notebook by following the directions.  Instead, compress your
notebook into a pkzip compatible self-extracting executable and attach
it to your message.  For short notebooks, append the file itself to the
email message as long as your email program knows how to keep it as a
separate file.

Thanks for making your posts more readable so we can help.

Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.

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