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Re: Need help with time series

If you have your data in an Excel table called, say, dataset.txt, then
it is a good idea to have them all formatted to numbers (no commas or
other alphanumeric characters). The dates can be converted arbitrarily
 to integers.

dataset eadList["dataset.txt",Number, RecordLists->True]

gets the data in a list like

{{date1, open1, high1,low1,close1,volume1},{date2, open2,
volume2},...,{date500, open500, high500,low500,close500,volume500}}.

Make sure also that you give the correct path for the Excel file.

Once you have dataset, then you can use a single column or several of
them for your analysis. If you want just the "high" column, then you'll
 get it with


If you want two columns, say dates and highs, then


Once you have dataset, then you can update it manually every day with


The most recent 10 days are


Good luck,

Tomas Garza
Mexico City

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