MathGroup Archive 1998

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RE: ISO data management, graph

Andy wrote a long winded wish list.
In part he said:
|I seek recommendations about software packages to manage experimental
|data, and to prepare graphs and visualizations. |
|Short list of wished-for features:
|a) underlying database - i.e. I would like to do |    joins of
differing datasets
|b) decent graphs: e.g. log axes, different forms of graph |
|c) interactive data browsing: e.g. click on a point, jump to related | 
variable, drag box to control zooming in, etc. |    (but I also want
good batch mode graph control) |
|Types of Data
|The datasets that I wish to manage range from |
|    2-tuples of (address,count)
|    for many of the locations in a program |    - often giving 100s of
thousands of data points, |    which I wish to quickly scroll around
in, |    looking at coarse scale (related to the precision of my
screen) |    so that I can zoom in and out.
|I don't know much, but I have gathered some random impressions and
|information about these tools that I will sumarize here - hoping that
|others may correct me.
|might be able to handle stuff like this, but seems to have performance
|problems.  Not GUI that I can see.

You can use the Mathematica feature "Compile" to speed up your programs.
However, it isn't true compiled code to ensure the code is portable
across  platforms.

If you really want to improve performance you can use the Mathematica 
communications protocal "MathLink"  to run C++ programs you write for 
certain operations on large data files.

The most direct approach uses Mathematica commands without Compile.  The
people who talk of performance problems may be able to get better
results  using Compile or MathLink.

Has anyone compared the timing of doing a typical math operation on a
very  long list of numbers using:
1  Normal Mathematica commands
2  Mathematica commands using "Compile" 3   MathLink to run a C++
excecutable 4   A competing system such as MATLAB

Ted Ersek

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