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Re: writing to a file

--------------ECAAD5A932437C06F9B52E3C wrote:

> I am using Mathematica 3.0.0 running under NeXTSTEP 3.3. I would like to
> be able to write a sequence of numbers to a file formatted so that the
> numbers are separated by e.g. spaces. For example:
> 0.01  0.000846  0.000641
> 0.02  0.000827  0.000864
> 0.03  0.000851  0.000944
> 0.04  0.000881  0.000974
> etc.
> ___________________________________

Following a recent posting of David Withoff

 "If you can get what you want on the computer screen[in OutputForm],
then you can write
it to a file"

data=Table[Random[], {12}]



0.839164   0.126663   0.71705
0.705989   0.759565   0.676683
0.451329   0.554329   0.775658
0.188611   0.934201   0.401634



0.839164   0.126663   0.71705
0.705989   0.759565   0.676683
0.451329   0.554329   0.775658
0.188611   0.934201   0.401634

Allan Hayes
Training and Consulting
Leicester, UK
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642



using Mathematica 3.0.0 running under NeXTSTEP 3.3. I would like
<BR><TT>be able to write a sequence of numbers to a file formatted so
that the</TT>
<BR><TT>numbers are separated by e.g. spaces. For example:</TT><TT></TT>

<P><TT>0.01&nbsp; 0.000846&nbsp; 0.000641</TT> <BR><TT>0.02&nbsp;
0.000827&nbsp; 0.000864</TT> <BR><TT>0.03&nbsp; 0.000851&nbsp;
0.000944</TT> <BR><TT>0.04&nbsp; 0.000881&nbsp; 0.000974</TT>

<TT>Following a recent posting of David Withoff</TT><TT></TT>

<P><TT>&nbsp;"If you can get what you want on the computer screen[in
OutputForm], then you can write</TT>
<BR><TT>it to a file"</TT><TT></TT>

<P><TT>data=Table[Random[], {12}]</TT> <BR><TT>&nbsp;</TT><TT></TT>

<BR><TT>&nbsp; 0.775658,0.188611,0.934201,0.401634}</TT><TT></TT>


<P><TT>0.839164&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.126663&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.71705</TT>
<BR><TT>0.705989&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.759565&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.676683</TT>
<BR><TT>0.451329&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.554329&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.775658</TT>
<BR><TT>0.188611&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.934201&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.401634</TT>



<P><TT>0.839164&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.126663&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.71705</TT>
<BR><TT>0.705989&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.759565&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.676683</TT>
<BR><TT>0.451329&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.554329&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.775658</TT>
<BR><TT>0.188611&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.934201&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.401634</TT>
<BR><TT>Allan Hayes</TT>
<BR><TT>Training and Consulting</TT> <BR><TT>Leicester, UK</TT>
<BR><TT></TT> <BR><TT><A
<BR><TT>voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198</TT> <BR><TT>fax: +44 (0)116 271
8642</TT> <BR><TT>&nbsp;</TT></HTML>


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