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Re: Re: In search of more readable cells in Mathematica

Paul Abbott wrote:
> Luc Barthelet wrote:
> > In general I find it very difficult to write readable code in
> > Mathematica.
> > I really miss what I find in most code editors: tab management, color
> > editing.
> > I attempted to re-create some of that with the "button" for which you
> > can find the code below.
> For color editing (and bracket matching), I assume you are aware of the
> examples under the Help Browser in
>         Demos
>                 Notebook Demos
>                         Formatting Sampler
> Cheers,
>         Paul

The examples in the Formatting Sampler are truly impressive, but I think
you missed the point of Luc's question.  The Formatting Sampler shows
how to make formatted and color matched OUTPUT, not formatted and color
matched INPUT.  All your current compilers: Borland C++, MS Visual C++,
Fortran PowerStation, Visual Basic etc. include built in ways to make
the code more readable as it is being entered.  In essence, it is built
in to their "front end".

Does anyone out there know of a way of transforming the front end so
that the INPUT code is more readable? -- 
Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.

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