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Re: Plotting vector-valued functions

In[16]:=f[z_] := Eigenvalues[{{z, 1, 4}, {7, z - 1, -1}, {3, 0, 2 - z}}]

this works :


have you checked if your data are reals and not complex numbers? Even if
they turn out real, you might need Chop to get rid of small imaginary


At 04:34 16-01-98 -0500, Malcolm Boshier wrote:
>    I have a problem which is related to the recent thread about
>plotting lists of functions.  In the case when a vector-valued function
>is expensive or impossible to Evaluate before plotting, Plot apparently
>forces you to evaluate the function repeatedly at each value of the
>independent parameter.  This can be very inefficient.
>    As an example, suppose that f[z] returns the eigenvalues of a 5 x 5
>matrix which is a function of z.  In general this function cannot be
>evaluated without a value for z, so
>Plot[ Evaluate[f[z]], {z, zmin, zmax}] doesn't work.
>    The only way around this that I have found is something like:
>Plot[{f[z][[1]],  f[z][[2]], f[z][[3]], f[z][[4]], f[z][[5]]}, {z, zmin,
>which of course requires 5 evaluations of f[z] for each value of z.
>    It seems that unless the head of the first argument to Plot is List,
>Plot assumes that it will evaluate to a real number and returns with an
>error if it later finds that it doesn't.  Why can't Plot trust the user
>long enough to discover that the function will evaluate to a list?
>Thanks for any solutions or explanations, Malcolm
Dr. Wouter L. J. MEEUSSEN

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