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Re: Mathematica's nesting.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg12670] Re: Mathematica's nesting.
  • From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 23:16:44 -0400
  • References: <6kpvhd$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Luis Fernando Medina wrote in message <6kpvhd$sjb at>...
>This is a small but VERY annoying problem I'm having in an otherwise
>extremely simple program in Mathematica for Students. My program
>contains two nested Do[] clauses and ordinarily runs smoothly without
>any complain. But, recently I've been trying to write an auxilary
>program based on this. Turns out that absolutely innocuous changes
>inside the Do clauses in the program are enough for it to stop running.
>At the beginning I thought I was being careless with the syntax and so
>began trying each time dumber instructions. In my last attempt, I just
>typed within one of the Do clauses Print["p"];, that is, just another
>instruction more in the already long string of instructions it
>ordinarily performs without any complaint. I've been careful enough to
>write down the semicolons in their right place (after all, there aren't
>many mistakes you can do with such an instruction). Much to my
>surprise, this minute change is enough for Mathematica to say that my
>program is missing a closing ] in the Do clause. Of course, this is
>accompanied by the "oh-so-helpful!" error message where ALL the program
>is underlined in red (as if this could hint you of the possible error
>in a program several scrolls long). To make things worse, the problem
>persists AFTER I erase the new instruction down to the last character.
>Once this happens, not even closing the window and opening it again
>will work. As far as Mathematica is concerned, the program has been
>tainted by the "original sin" and no amount of repentance can redeem
>it. Can somebody explain me what on earth is going on here? As usual,
>to avoid overload of the Internet, just answer to my email:
>lmedina at
>Thanks a lot!
>Luis Fernando Medina
>lmedina at


Please post the example.


> the problem persists AFTER I erase the new instruction down to the last
> character.


will clear your own definitions.

Menu > Kernel > Quit Kernel > Local

will do a more thorough job.

Allan Hayes
Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
hay at
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44(0)116 271 8642

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