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Exporting plots within Win applications / Metafile under Unix/Linux?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg12685] Exporting plots within Win applications / Metafile under Unix/Linux?
  • From: SESSELMANN ROLAND <sesselma at engine.Colorado.EDU>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 23:16:56 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Question 1:

I try to export Mathematica plots to applications like Word and
PowerPoint.  Cut and paste works, however, i.e. line thicknesses
change.  Why?

Question 2:

Can one save a plot as a Microsoft Windows Metafile in Mathematica 3.0
under Unix/Linux?


I am using Mathematica 3.0 on a WinNT 4.0 machine and on a PC running

I generate a plot with a specific line thickness, i.e.

  pl= Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle-> Thickness[0.03]];

If I cut the plot in Mathematica and paste it into Microsoft
PowerPoint/Word the increased line thickness gets lost.  The curve
appears as a thin line.

Is this a general problem or can one somehow work around it using cut
and paste?

Saving the plot with

  Display["filename.wmf", pl, "Metafile"];

and insert it into PowerPoint/Word works fine.  However, most of my
plots are created on a different machine running Linux.  For simplicity
I would like to create all Metafiles of the graphs in Linux.  However,
Metafile in the Display command under Linux is not accepted.

Does someone know of a good way (high quality, fast, simple, low memory)
to export plots from a Unix/Linux platform into Microsoft Office
PostScript would work, but one can only see good quality if one prints
the documents on a PS printer.  However, if one needs high quality
plots on the screen (i.e. during a presentation using PowerPoint) the
PS preview is not good enough.

Thanks for any comments/answers,

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