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RE: are nested patterns imposs

Thomas Lemm wrote:
|I try to create a pattern describing a linear combination of a list of
|variables. Be those variables u and v, the pattern should match for
|u*k+v*l (k,l constants)
|u*k     (coefficient of v == 0)
|But when I program it in using nested patterns |
|Out[82]=(v _.|0)+u _.
|The last case does not match, which leads to the question:  what did I
|program and how can I program the thing I intended to? |
|I already know about the possibility making a pattern like |
|But this is not the way I want to program this example as I would like
|to extend this case to many more than two variables u,v. |

You are redundent if you say----( pat=v*_.|2 ). The (v*2) case was
already covered by (v_.). It's even more usless to say ( pat=v*_.|0)
because (v*0) evaluates to (0).

You said  (  pat=u*_.+(v*_.|0)  ).
Using your pattern consider ( MatchQ[u*5+v*0, pat] ). Before the pattern
matching is done (u*5+v*0) is evaluated to give (5 u). Then the pattern
matcher is looking for either (v) or (v times something). The pattern
doesn't match because (v) is nowhere to be found.

I think that explains why  MatchQ[u*5, pat] was  False.

Here is the way I would do what you have in mind. In[1]:=




BTW:  Both of the above would also evaluate to True if I used (
pat=(u*_+v*_)|(u*_)   ).
But this pattern insist that (u) and (v) are multiplied by something.
When we use (u*_.)  we are saying that a simple (u) is to be considered
the  product (u*1).

Ted Ersek

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