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Re: Simple question


Here's an answer and some examples. The key thing is that the dummy
variable f_ (or whatever) can be a function as well as something simple
like a number.


In[12]:= cleverfunc[f_, x_, n_, p_] := D[f,{x,n}] /. x -> p

In[13]:= cleverfunc[g[z], z, n, p]

Out[13]= g   [p]

In[14]:= cleverfunc[Sin[x^5]/Exp[x y], x, 2, p]

             3      5        4        5        8      5     2      5
         20 p  Cos[p ]   10 p  y Cos[p ]   25 p  Sin[p ]   y  Sin[p ]
Out[14]= ------------- - --------------- - ------------- + ----------
              p y              p y              p y            p y
             E                E                E              E

In[15]:= cleverfunc[Sin[x^5]/Exp[x y], x, 2, 1]

         20 Cos[1]   10 y Cos[1]   25 Sin[1]   y  Sin[1] Out[15]=
--------- - ----------- - --------- + ---------
             y            y            y           y
            E            E            E           E

Anderson Brasil da Silva wrote:

>   I am a new user of Mathematica and I am having troubles trying to
> create a function FUNC[f,n,p] that returns the value of the n-th
> derivative of f in the point p. 

David Pearson,              Phone: +44 (0)118  9318741 ESSC,            
Fax:   +44 (0)118  9316413  University of Reading,
Reading RG6 6AL,            Email: UK.

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