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Re: Extract a contour from a 3-D plot.

Chris Farr wrote:
> I would like to extract a contour from a 3-D plot.
> I am particularly interested in the contour associated with a value of =
> zero.  That is, the curve generated when I set the option in
> ContourPlot = to Contours->{0}.
> How can I extract this contour ( I guess the contour would be a =
> collection of XY coordinates) ?  What if there are two contours with a
> = value of zero?  How can I extract both of them?  Thanks in advance.

If you intend to use ContourPlot then the first problem is that it
generates a ContourGraphics object which store a matrix of heights,
from which the contour lines are constructed for display - not the
lines themselves. However, we can convert the ContourGraphics object to
a Graphics object which does contain the lines and them use Cases to
extract the lines - all of them:

ContourPlot[x^2-y^2-1 ,{x,-3,3},{y,-3,3}, Contours ->{0},
ContourShading-> False]


Cases[Graphics[%],Line[_], Infinity]

{Line[{{-3., 2.82655}, ..., {-3., -2.82655}}],  Line[{{3., 2.82655},
...,  {3., -2.82655}}]}

Now you can do what you want with the lists of points on the lines.

Allan Hayes
Training and Consulting
Leicester, UK
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642

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